

Monday, August 3, 2009

A Day In The Life Of A 3 Month Old

Hi. My name's Graysen. But my sister calls me "Man". My life is hard.....let me show you why.

I decided not to take a binky anymore

I get smothered by my sister....and why doesn't she have any clothes on?! Seriously...
I have to amuse my mom by wearing the silly blanket around me....doesn't she know I can sit up on my own?!?!

I slobber/drool......a LOT

I get to chill...

....with my silly sister too

I have to have tummy time

I get to sleep anywhere...

...and everywhere

I learned how to roll...

...over a few weeks ago

Yep, still sucking my thumb

but the best part is when I get to sleep with Daddy!

What a hard life!!


tam said...

I love all the pictures! He is growing up soo fast!

Brandy and Trent said...

love how he sucks his thumb

jason and michelle clarke said...

Oh, that is to cute!! I love how you did that!

kevin and angie said...

wow i can't believe how big your kids have gotten... they grow too fast!!! very fun post, loved the pics!!