

Monday, August 24, 2009

All Dogs Go To HEAVEN

One of Kyri's best friends is my sister's dog, Buddy. He's a HUGE boxer and when Kyri was younger she wasn't sure if she should laugh or cry when she saw him and he would jump up onto whoever was holding her. It didn't take her long, though, to realize that it was very cool to follow Buddy around and poke his tail, watch him drink water, and listen to him bark. Recently Kyri has been asking Gary and I to tell her stories about "Princess Buddy". And every time we finish she'll say, "Again!" She just LOVES him!! And I really think the feelings are mutual. When Kyri was a baby Buddy would just sit and watch her, as if to make sure she was always ok. And when she got bigger he loved following her around if she wasn't following him! That's why today was such a sad day! Tawn (my sister) had to "put Buddy down". So, we went to Logan to say our final goodbyes.

Best Friends
This morning I told Kyri we were going to say bye to Buddy. I told her that he was going to live with Heavenly Father and Jesus. She said, "Kyri come too!!"
When I told her she couldn't go with Buddy and that she needed to stay with me, she gave me a look as if she were really mad about it! Then I asked her where Buddy was going. She said, "Temples. With Heavenly Father and Jesus. See Jesus, Buddy!" And although he's not going to the Temple, that sure is the closest thing to Heaven! How smart for her to know that's where Heavenly Father and Jesus "live"
Buddy kept licking Graysen all over. And while that would normally really gross me out, I couldn't help but let him do it since it was his last chance to give him "kisses"
This is what Kyri said at dinner tonight, I shall call it:


"I miss Buddy
Mmm hmmm
Sing a song, Buddy.
I'm Child God
He sent me here.
I love Buddy
Bye Buddy"

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Here Comes TROUBLE

Lat week I was getting ready to go meet my sister and friend up at Snowbird Resort for a day of FUN! I was just google mapping how to get there when Kyri came running into the room. And this is what I saw:
(at least she got SOME on her lips)
Boy, does she know how to make a MESS (I know it's not a big picture but it was on the floor all the way down the hall...and everywhere else in my house)
I could NOT get it washed off of her legs!

Notice the hot pink ring around the tub
Needless to say, we left about 1 1/2 hours later than planned. Not only that, but Kyri didn't really get that she was in trouble because I kept taking pictures, so of course she just thought she was funny. But I think it was actually better that way because I couldn't stay mad for very long. And I'm sure that some of you are wondering what I was doing with HOT pink lipstick since it's not really my's Gary's. Just kidding, it was actually just for Halloween, which is why it was stashed away in the drawer full of things I never use. Maybe I should clean out my JUNK!!

Friday, August 7, 2009


Our Kyri girl sure is a silly one. She talks SO much ALL the time! It's hard to keep up with all the funny things she says. Here's just a few that I can remember at the moment:

nopen = open
nelephant = elephant
airpark = airport
eckersaucer = exersaucer
"gonk a head"
"kiss it better"
"oh darn!!"
"more strawbs (strawberries) please"
samich = sandwich
mere = come here
monkey one = Tarzan

The other day Kyri was helping me do dishes. I was washing them and she was rinsing them and putting them into the dish drainer (our regular routine). Well, that's what she was supposed to be doing. She started dinkin' around: drinking water from the dishes, splashing, getting sopping wet, the dishes were piling up on her side of the sink. I kept saying, "Kyri, quit messin' around you're getting behind." And every time she would stop what she was doing and look behind her. :)

stickers, stickers, and more stickers
The other day I heard this conversation from the other room:
Kyri: "Cheerios, Daddy. Please?"
Daddy: "Okay, go get one of your small bowls."
Kyri's feet: run, run, run, run ,run
Kyri: "Here a go Dada!"
Daddy: "That's not a bowl that's a plate. Go get a bowl."
Kyri: run, run, "Hehe. Silly. Silly Kyri!"

Monday, August 3, 2009

A Day In The Life Of A 3 Month Old

Hi. My name's Graysen. But my sister calls me "Man". My life is hard.....let me show you why.

I decided not to take a binky anymore

I get smothered by my sister....and why doesn't she have any clothes on?! Seriously...
I have to amuse my mom by wearing the silly blanket around me....doesn't she know I can sit up on my own?!?!

I slobber/drool......a LOT

I get to chill...

....with my silly sister too

I have to have tummy time

I get to sleep anywhere...

...and everywhere

I learned how to roll...

...over a few weeks ago

Yep, still sucking my thumb

but the best part is when I get to sleep with Daddy!

What a hard life!!