

Thursday, January 29, 2009

A Million Photos Update

Kyri and her big cousin, Jacey. It was like torture getting either of them to smile, but Kyri finally gave in....sort of
Kyri loved all of Grandma Mecham's Christmas decorations....until she started getting stuck in them!

opening her Christmas Eve pajamas!!

Christmas morning. Her favorite part was throwing all the wrapping paper away...

...and sitting on all the boxes

Kyri's cousin, Brody got a new "four lee-er" (as Brody calls it) for Christmas. I love that her arm is behind him....just chillin'

Kyri still talks about Brody's "jip"/jeep

Brody got a new baby brother, Zane, about a week before Christmas. Kyri LOVED him!! "Baby. Touch. Kiss. Hold." So cute. Hopefully that won't change in a few months time.

Our little angel girl....looking so not girly....just breaking in a few items for baby brother

Kyri and I got to go to Idaho for a week this month and babysit my brother's kids (while he and his wife were in Hawaii, I might add). Kyri loved all the things to do...she was never bored.

the perfect sized table for coloring....and eating crayons, of course

Rebecca and Caroline made Kyri her very own house in their playroom

the 3 girls in "Kyri's house" having so much fun

playing the piano

jumping on the tramp. Kyri loved this!! Even now when she sees the picture she'll say "jump?"

"helping" mama

wearin' daddy's shoes....

...cuz she's so big!!

Kyri did not want to get dressed. So we dressed her bear first, but she still wasn't about to put anything else on!! She's getting very good at fit throwing!

ok you have to click on this picture to enlarge it. It's too funny. This is the face Kyri makes when we tell her to smile. And the bottom of her feet will let you know what a great housekeeper I'm not

We let our friends borrow the exersaucer and when they returned it Kyri thought it was the coolest toy. She just had to get in!! It kept her entertained for some time....

She absolutely loves chapstick, and since she is oh so independent, this is what we end up with (you may need to click to enlarge to see just how accurate she is!)

Who doesn't love a nice bubble bath? Toys anyone?

"how's my do?"


Jennifer said...

Yea, your back in cyberspace! How I've missed you!

kevin and angie said...

I have missed seeing that cute kyri girl!! She is growing up too fast. I love the bath pictures with the bubbles on her head, she always has the cutest expressions!! I hope you are feeling good Mauri, and that is going well with the fam!!

Amber said...

YAY! It's great to see pictures again...what a doll! We miss you guys tons and hope everything is going well with Baby #2...we're all getting closer, huh? Can't wait to see you!!

jason and michelle clarke said...

I love how they spelled welcome, that's funny! What fun pictures. Your little girl is soo soo cute!! I love her do :)

Justin said...

The pictures are really cute. We all need to get together some time.

Shayne and Amber Hoskins said...

She is such a cutie!!!