

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Quick Kyri Update (minus the photos)

We will definitely have a lot of pictures to post when we get around to that! But for now here is a quick Kyri update: She is talking SO much!! We love it! She will try to say anything we ask her to, and then usually remembers that word and will use it in her daily conversations. She also loves to repeat at least one word from each sentence we say. Pretty much we just think she's the smartest baby EVER! Unfortunately she's been sick, puking all morning, but it sure beats the last time she was sick and throwing up. (Long story short: last time she was sick we were at a condo in Bear Lake and had no access to a washing machine, so she ended up sleeping with towels instead of blankets and all 3 of us were up ALL night long) So it could be worse.
Kyri and I just spent a week in Idaho babysitting her cousins Rebecca and Caroline. I think she really misses having her cousins around and having their toys to play with, but I don't think she misses being touched and held and told what to do constantly :) And I know she especially misses her grandma! She even woke up in the middle of the night once, asking for "papa" (which is how she says both grandpa and grandma). Can't say as though I blame her....if you ask Kyri if Grandma spoils her, she shakes her head in a definite "yes"!!
Yesterday Kyri was eating a cracker and I asked if she could share (I'm trying to teach her good behaviors) with her baby (meaning her new baby doll). She brought her cracker over to me, lifted up my shirt, and stuck her cracker in my belly button....she was sharing with her baby brother!! She is just SO sweet and SO cute! We love having her around, even if all we hear all day long is "hold" and we get nothing else accomplished. At least we know our time was well spent!


tam said...

It has been way to long since we have seen you guys! I can't believe Kyri is already saying so many words! We are still trying to get Kyler to talk!!! I love the sharing with the baby story, what a sweetheart! Love you lots!

Shayne and Amber Hoskins said...

Your little one is such a cutie:) Isn't being a mother and teacher to children the most wonderful thing in the world!!! I also was wondering how your dad is doing?

Hickmans said...

She is so cute I love that she tried to give the cracker to her brother! Me and Cami Oyler had a pedicure at the School yesterday and everyone was saying how much they missed you! Including us! Cant wait to see how stinkin cute your little boy will be!