

Sunday, February 8, 2009

The 6 Month Mark

Well, we are actually at about 6 1/2 months now, but are finally getting around to posting some pictures of the belly(s) from a few weeks ago. I told Gary that I already feel as big as I ever got with Kyri, but he reassured me that I was much bigger with her.
not a glamor shot, by any means, but it serves its purpose
why is it that when one belly grows they both grow? Actually, I think Gary was working very hard at sticking his out as far as possible


Katie Jane said...

You are cute!! It makes me wish I wasn't such a balloon. All for a worthy cause though, right. We miss you guys. It looks like you are doing awesome.

Hickmans said...

Mauri! You look great! I love how cute and tiny your little belly is!

Amber said...

Love it! You look great, Mauri! You probably feel bigger than you are, but seriously, you still seem so tiny, way cute! I, on the other hand, am as big as a house! I'm having a friend take some maternity pics this week, so if they are not too humiliating (and after editing all my lovely stretch marks!) I may post some. We miss you guys!!

Ryan & Keri said...

What a cute prego mommy! I love it! You look amazing! And I love all of the updates of Kyri below. She is such a cute little lady with quite the personality. My favorite is her pic of her "smile" shot. David does the same thing when we ask him to smile--he automatically says "chee" and makes this super cheesey smile. It makes me laugh!

Jennifer said...

Too cute! I miss you! I'm going to call you sometime this week. We need to catch up.

brittany schley said...

Oh, poor Gary. He looks so miserable! Tell him to just hang in there for a couple more months. Those stretch marks will fade with time. You, on the other hand, look HOT! Miss you big.

kevin and angie said...

I am so excited for you guys, it is getting close!! (Although I am sure it doesn't feel like that to you!!) Mauri you look great! I hope you are feeling great too!!