

Friday, May 2, 2008


Ok, I've been tagged by my friend Jenn. I've never seen this sort of "tag" before, but I thought it was quite interesting. So, here it goes....
A) pick up the nearest book
B) turn to page 123
C) find the 5th sentence
D) post the 5th sentence
E) tag 5 (or more) people
Now, the nearest book to me was one of Kyri's, but since her books average about 5 pages I grabbed the nearest "adult" book and this is what I found:
" 'Thus we meet again, though all the hosts of Mordor lay between us,' said Aragorn."
The Lord of the Rings - The Return of the King - J.R.R. Tolkien
Hmm, unfortunately it wasn't anything too inspirational, but perhaps you will all go read (or watch) The Lord of the Rings now. I don't think I will....
I now tag Tammy, Seleta, Jacque, Brittany, Lindsay, and Katie (I know how much you hate being tagged, Katie, but I thought this would give you something to post while your camera is currently out of commission)