

Monday, May 5, 2008

cutest little baby

We sometimes call Kyri our "dazy baby" because she gets into a daze and there's no snapping her out. This particular day she just woke up from a nap...apparently she wasn't quite awake...she sat there just like this for quite a while

Gary doesn't wear a hat very was a cool new thing for Kyri

Just chillin in the stroller. She looks so tiny in this big thing...but she just LOVES her walks!! This day was a bit confusing for her because I'm normally the one pushing her and I'm not talking to anyone (except her), but this time Gary was pushing her and I was walking next to her and there was much conversation. She nearly fell asleep (as usual)

too tired to give a full smile...a half one will do


Cami said...

I think she is the cutest little baby! LOVE the stroller picture!! She looks so comfy and happy!!!

Jolene said...

What I've been waiting for -- new pics! LOVE THEM -- and Love you too!