

Monday, May 5, 2008

fun with friends

A couple weeks ago our friends, Jeff and Ali, invited us to hang out with them. We had a great time at dinner and, of course, we had to indulge ourselves with a bit of ice cream. After Kyri was fast asleep we broke out the games...and had a great time battling girls against boys.

Cranium was our final was a close call, but the girls came out the WINNERS!

While Jeff contemplates the guys next move.....

...the girls listen intently while Doxey (no, not a girl, but he helped us on to victory nonetheless) hums a familiar tune

the game is too intense for Jeff...he's on his feet...and Gary concentrates on his masterpiece


who knew Gary was such an artist? and we all wondered why Chris and Jeff never guessed the North Pole ???

Last week Kyri and I took a little trip to the town of Morgan to visit some friends. Mickaela and I have been friends for years, but don't seem to get together often enough...we hadn't even seen each others babies!! Wyatt is about 6 weeks younger than Kyri. They had a good time playing together. And Sierra, 3 1/2, was a great entertainer!! We had such a fabulous time!!

Sierra and cute!!!

These two were so cute together. Every time I put Kyri next to Wyatt he would put his arm around her. Precious!! They even gave each other kisses. But, of course, Kyri couldn't sit still long enough for me to take a photo of any of that...she was too busy exploring someone elses house!!


Jeff and Ali said...

Such a cute blog! We had so much fun! We need to get together again! (I don't know if the boys can take another beating though...)Thanks for sharing it with us. Have a good time up in Idaho this weekend!