

Friday, May 16, 2008

hat obsession

I don't know what it is but there's just something about hats on babies! Especially this baby!! Many of these hats are from Kyri's cousin, Jacey, who really had some cute hats...for every occasion...and I just can't resist putting them on her! She does really good about leaving them on...that is until we go for a walk and the sun gets in her eyes and she will inevitably pull it right off. I'm sure glad Kyri doesn't yet mind her mother's obsession with baby hats!

not winter anymore, but again, I just couldn't resist

could be a hat...

the sun was in her eyes...she had to pull it off instead of allowing it to shade her face

Kyri and Grandma


Katie Jane said...

I love all her hats! What a doll! I have yet to see her in person. We need to remedy that.

Jeff and Ali said...

Gary, it was a pleasure to take the victory with you on Saturday night.

tam said...

I love all the hats!! Kyri and Kalen would do well together with their hats!! We have plenty of baseball hats to go around!

Jennifer said...

I can't believe how big Kyri is getting! Mauri, let's plan a night in June to get together with Amber and Denet! Oh, the hats!

Erica said...

Kyri is adorable as always. Now I'm official and you might hear from me on occasion.

Cami said...

What a diva!! Love all the hats...especially the last one!!

Jeff and Ali said...

Sorry Gary, I'm a fan of the hats too! She just looks so cute in them!