

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

another tag

My friend Ali tagged me. I'm assuming it's because we've only been friends for a short time and she must be quite interested in what I was up to many years ago, since my life is so intriguing. :) Ali is an awesome friend. Her and her husband, Jeff, have become our really good friends here in Kaysville. Thanks, guys, for hanging out with us and always sitting by us in church :) Kyri loves you guys!!
20 years ago:
Wow that was a long time ago! I think I was just finishing up 3rd grade. I was probably REALLY excited for the I could sleep outside, walk to the store to buy a candy bar for a quarter, and annoy ALL my siblings...I was probably even thinking of things I could tattle on Tawn and Devin for...oh the good ol' days...
10 years ago:
Well this is a well remembered time in my life...I was getting ready to graduate from High School!! (I can't believe it's already been ten makes me feel old) I loved high school, but by this time I was quite ready to call it quits. I was planning my move to Logan and enjoying the carefree life, I suppose
5 years ago:
I was on the mission in Australia...I'm trying to remember the exact area...let's see...I believe I was in Harbord (right on the beach) with my companion from Sri Lanka, Sandimali Rathnayake, teaching her how to ride a bike...what a great time we had...she was AWESOME!
3 years ago:
I was living in Logan with my friends Ann Marie and Kim, teaching at the beauty school in Brigham City, and probably wondering if I would ever get married and have a family of my own! I think it was right around this time that I got called as the Relief Society President in our singles ward. Little did I know that prince charming would soon walk into my life...well, I would kinda force myself into his life, really. :)
1 year ago:
Gary and I were married by now and actually expecting a was right around this time last year that we found out we were having a girl and it wasn't until then that we told our family there was a new addition on the way...boy was my mom mad we waited so long...
Kyri and I went to Wal Mart, I did dishes, dusted (which I don't do often enough because I hate it) and played with Kyri who was quite fussy....she cried for 2 1/2 hours last night!!! She has never done that sad! :(
taking care of a sick baby...apparently that's why she was so sad last night. Speaking of which I hear some babbling in her bedroom...she must be awake.
will probably be much like today...only I fear I too am coming down with something so Kyri and I will be sick together
this year:
hopefully we will be buying a place of our own and Gary will be going back to school to get his MBA (hahaha...I wish) and we will be having lots of fun with family and friends
I have opted not to tag anyone since last time I did only one person did it (I love you Jacque!!) So, if you are reading this and feel so inclined to do one of your own, please do!

Friday, May 16, 2008

hat obsession

I don't know what it is but there's just something about hats on babies! Especially this baby!! Many of these hats are from Kyri's cousin, Jacey, who really had some cute hats...for every occasion...and I just can't resist putting them on her! She does really good about leaving them on...that is until we go for a walk and the sun gets in her eyes and she will inevitably pull it right off. I'm sure glad Kyri doesn't yet mind her mother's obsession with baby hats!

not winter anymore, but again, I just couldn't resist

could be a hat...

the sun was in her eyes...she had to pull it off instead of allowing it to shade her face

Kyri and Grandma

Monday, May 12, 2008

fun with family

we've had the opportunity the last couple weekends to spend time with our family. We had SO much fun and just wanted to share a few of the fun photos
First it was off to Logan to see the Allen family who was all there for Dustin and Cassidy's graduation from USU
I wish I got that excited about an empty container...cute Kyler

nice tongue Kalen

Uncle Todd, Grandpa, Kyri, Grandma and Great Grandpa after eating a DE-LICIOUS dinner at Cafe Sabor

congrats to the graduates, Dustin and Cassidy (and Grandma and Grandpa Allen) :)

This last weekend we went to see the Mecham family in Pocatello for a concert, a birthday party, and Mother's Day

Jaden turned 6!! Happy Birthday, bud!!

a good time with the fam. mom, Lisa, Andrea, Tawn, Nichole

Jared, Ryan, Sandy

Dad...doing what he does best :)

you can't hide from the camera this time, Jason!!

Jacey, Caroline, and Jaden...silly kids!!

yee-ha!! Theresa with her cowboy hat

the art of moving a rock:

first, stand around and look at the rock...for as long as possible...

...then strain every muscle in your body to try and lift the blasted thing...

...opt for the much easier task of rolling it...

...use the brilliant idea that someone had of using the wood......ah ha!! use the truck...good idea...

...even better...

nice work guys!!

Monday, May 5, 2008

cutest little baby

We sometimes call Kyri our "dazy baby" because she gets into a daze and there's no snapping her out. This particular day she just woke up from a nap...apparently she wasn't quite awake...she sat there just like this for quite a while

Gary doesn't wear a hat very was a cool new thing for Kyri

Just chillin in the stroller. She looks so tiny in this big thing...but she just LOVES her walks!! This day was a bit confusing for her because I'm normally the one pushing her and I'm not talking to anyone (except her), but this time Gary was pushing her and I was walking next to her and there was much conversation. She nearly fell asleep (as usual)

too tired to give a full smile...a half one will do

fun with friends

A couple weeks ago our friends, Jeff and Ali, invited us to hang out with them. We had a great time at dinner and, of course, we had to indulge ourselves with a bit of ice cream. After Kyri was fast asleep we broke out the games...and had a great time battling girls against boys.

Cranium was our final was a close call, but the girls came out the WINNERS!

While Jeff contemplates the guys next move.....

...the girls listen intently while Doxey (no, not a girl, but he helped us on to victory nonetheless) hums a familiar tune

the game is too intense for Jeff...he's on his feet...and Gary concentrates on his masterpiece


who knew Gary was such an artist? and we all wondered why Chris and Jeff never guessed the North Pole ???

Last week Kyri and I took a little trip to the town of Morgan to visit some friends. Mickaela and I have been friends for years, but don't seem to get together often enough...we hadn't even seen each others babies!! Wyatt is about 6 weeks younger than Kyri. They had a good time playing together. And Sierra, 3 1/2, was a great entertainer!! We had such a fabulous time!!

Sierra and cute!!!

These two were so cute together. Every time I put Kyri next to Wyatt he would put his arm around her. Precious!! They even gave each other kisses. But, of course, Kyri couldn't sit still long enough for me to take a photo of any of that...she was too busy exploring someone elses house!!

Friday, May 2, 2008


Ok, I've been tagged by my friend Jenn. I've never seen this sort of "tag" before, but I thought it was quite interesting. So, here it goes....
A) pick up the nearest book
B) turn to page 123
C) find the 5th sentence
D) post the 5th sentence
E) tag 5 (or more) people
Now, the nearest book to me was one of Kyri's, but since her books average about 5 pages I grabbed the nearest "adult" book and this is what I found:
" 'Thus we meet again, though all the hosts of Mordor lay between us,' said Aragorn."
The Lord of the Rings - The Return of the King - J.R.R. Tolkien
Hmm, unfortunately it wasn't anything too inspirational, but perhaps you will all go read (or watch) The Lord of the Rings now. I don't think I will....
I now tag Tammy, Seleta, Jacque, Brittany, Lindsay, and Katie (I know how much you hate being tagged, Katie, but I thought this would give you something to post while your camera is currently out of commission)