

Thursday, March 20, 2008

so BIG

Well, yesterday was a big day. It was the 6 month mark of Kyri's precious little life. To celebrate we decided to go big....we took her to the Dr. and let them immunize her!!! I know, traumatizing! But the cry only lasted a few seconds. And we were able to find out just how big this baby girl has grown. And believe me, I've been saying for a while that she's no longer 5 lbs of nothin anymore...and that's the truth. Yesterday Kyri weighed in at 15 lbs 3 oz and was 26.4 inches long!! Here's some photos to show you just how big she is.

Kyri can sit up by herself now, but we often use the boppy to ensure less crying when she does tip over. And the drool on the chin is a nice touch too.

Here she is showing you that she really can sit up without any help....and sporting her nice hairdo...which some might refer to as the "alfalfa"

My sister, Tawn, bought this outfit for Kyri before she was even born. What a fabulous aunt!!The hat is still ridiculously large, but it was too cute to pass up.

Batting her big baby blues

When I left the room Kyri was sitting up. I was gone only long enough to start some bath water...and this is what I came back to. Already a little trouble maker. And she was giggling all the was so cute!