

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

happy reunion

Last weekend we headed southward for a joyous reunion with ALL of Gary's family. His little bro came home from a mission....and the rest of the family was there to welcome him home! It was fun for me because I only met Todd his mission "farewell" and Gary and I got married while he was gone...yet it seems like I've known him as long as the rest of the family. I'm so lucky to have married into such an awesome family!

the nephews...too excited to hold still...made a sign with their foot and hand prints

"Well done thou good and faithful servant"

ALL the siblings...looks like they all got the memo to wear stripes!

Shae enjoying Uncle Deedo's snuggles

Grandpa has the right idea...


tam said...

I love the pictures. We had such a wonderful weekend! It was so fun to spend time with everyone.

Frehner Family said...

Looks like you all had great fun. Tony just got his call last weekend.