

Monday, March 3, 2008

Girls Weekend

This last weekend Kyri and I went to Idaho and went to Time Out For Women (a women's conference) with my mom, sisters Tawn and Andrea, and sisters-in-law Sandy and Nichole. We stayed the night in a hotel...and really had a GREAT time! Thanks to Nichole, we even had freshly baked cookies waiting for us in our hotel room when we got back Friday night. It was a lot for Kyri to take in...but she had such a great time with Grandma and all her aunts!! Next year we have to make sure Erica and Lisa come...for sure...they really missed out on a fabulous time! We even had the privilege of hearing Sheri Dew speak and Kenneth Cope sing! All the presenters and performers were SO amazing and absolutely inspiring! And staying up til midnight talking with the girls can't be beat! We love you girls!! And are so grateful to be part of such a wonderful family! Thanks for a fabulous weekend!
Dinner at Plum Loco...their chips and salsa can't be beat!

Friday night at the conference. Tawn, Mom (Jolene, Judy, Grandma....Fluffy choose...I love you Mom!), Sandy, Nichole, Kyri, and Andrea...and I'm taking the picture, of course.

At the hotel room Saturday Morning....thanks to the other girls for going to the conference early and saving us seats!! :) But I just realized I shouldn't have sat in front of that makes my hair look fluffy...ah well

Eating lunch on the bleachers in the high school gym....DELICIOUS!

Kyri was way beyond exhausted, but couldn't sleep for fear she would miss something...after all, we are a fun group of girls!! Finally, while lying on the hard gym floor she closed her eyes, but not without still trying to suck on (or at least lick) her toy! Unfortunately this nap lasted less than 5 minutes....but she sure slept great that night!!


Jolene said...

So glad you had such a great time. I did too! Thanks for posting the great pics - memories. I'd do that again in a heartbeat!

Love ya!