

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

1 - 2 - 3

When Kyri gets in trouble this is often what you hear:
Me: "Kyri Ruth!"
Kyri: "Awen.......Kyri Rufe Awen!"
It's really quite cute. But today this is the conversation that took place:
Me: "Kyri if you don't come [do this] you're not going to get any books before your nap!"
Kyri: "Kyri Rufe Awen!! One.....Two......Three!"
She clearly knew what was coming next, so she just helped me out.
So, now how do I discipline?

And when we ask Kyri what Graysen's full name is her response is usually: "Graysen Daddy Rufe Awen." At least she knows that Daddy's name is in there...somehow.


tam said...

Kyri Rufe Awen we sure miss you!

It does make it hard to discipline when they start helping and it isn't effective any more! Just like when we put tabasco sauce for saying notty words on their tongues and then Kyler asks for it!!

Sharee said...

Haha!! She's so cute! I hope you're feeling better!

WX Ences said...

LOL!!! Joe and I are giggling ourselves silly! What a cutie. You'd better watch out, she's a smart one!
Ummm...I've got nothing! If you're lucky, she'll just start to discipline herself!

Jenny said...

haha! That's too cute! my cousin used to always count down from five when her kids are about to get in trouble... now the little boy will add "blast off" at the end of the count down. it's hilarious!

Lindsay said...

What a silly girl! That is hilarious. I love reading all the funny things she says on your blog.