

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

A Walk Around The Block

Yesterday was such a nice day we decided to go for a little walk. It started out with Kyri pushing her baby in her stroller, but this (see picture) is how it ended and both kids were SO good and happy the whole time! On our walk we saw a dog (fenced in its yard). We stopped for a few minutes so Kyri could talk to the dog. When we finally continued on with our walk Kyri said, "We're going to keep walking. Don't worry bout us, puppy! Don't worry bout us!" She found that stick along the way and was determined to figure out how to push her stroller and hold the stick at the same time. At one point she was not holding her stick and we had to turn around and look for it. I really can't wait for more nice days...and more fun walks!

Kyri's been saying some pretty funny things lately. She likes to abbreviate, if you will. And just so you know, she has been coming up with these all by herself. Gary and I definitely do not shorten words as such. Here's a look into what we've been hearing:

I need to go "stinks" on the "pot"
I need a "tish"...for my nose
I'm gonna put my "jams" on!
(if we correct her on any of these, she gets real mad!)

And lately she's been talking about "someone" named "Sissa". I have yet to meet this person, but it sounds like Kyri is having a real good time at "Sissa's house"!

She keeps us laughing and we are grateful she at least has an imagination!

Kyri loves to get into G's crib and they will play together for a long time in there. Lately, though, Kyri has been jumping in the crib. The other day we told her "no jumping on the bed!" and she said, "I'm not jumping, I'm just bouncing!"
Oh. OK, then.

This empty box was our entertainment for a good hour the other day. After I was too tired to push both kids around in it, Kyri decided she wanted to push Graysen around. As you can see by the look on his face, she did not disappoint.

Kyri's names for Graysen lately: Baby or Babes


WX Ences said...

I always love reading about Kyri's adventures. She cracks me up! She reminds me a lot of my Ali, they've got everything figured out! Love it.

I'd like to add a 'here here' for spring!!! Definitely can't wait for more warm sunny days!!!