

Thursday, April 2, 2009

From Winter to Summer

A few weeks ago we had the chance to go visit Grandma and Grandpa Allen in Nevada. It was a much needed break....and so nice to have Tammy and her boys there. Kyri loved following her cousins around, getting into mischief with Kyler, and snuggling Grandma and Grandpa (and of course the twinkies were an added bonus)!!
It was nice and cold when we left....there was even some snow still on the ground. When I was loading the car Kyri insisted on wearing her hat, which she put on herself...good job, little lady!!
But down in NV it was warm enough to run through the sprinklers! Gary was fixing the sprinklers, so all the kids took advantage of the flowing water. Kyri, fully clothed, while her cousins took the next-to-nothing approach. And I wish the picture was a close up of Gary because then you could see the skin tight biker shorts he is wearing.....haha!!

We had a great time and can't wait to do it again!!


Sharee said...

I like those boys wearing their undies!! Can't wait to see your new baby!