

Monday, February 16, 2009

Valentine's Day

Gary and I have continued a now 4 year tradition. Every February we attend Jazz Night at the Sky Club up at USU. It's usually right around Valentine's Day and this year we were lucky it landed on the exact day. (I don't know why that's lucky, it just seems romantical, I guess) It involves a "gourmet" dinner, live Jazz music (which is always exceptional) and a bit of dancing...which is quite entertaining since Gary and I can only pretend to have any clue about jazz dancing. It is always so much fun and this year was no exception. What a fabulous way to spend Valentine's Day with the only man I could ever dream of spending it with!! And a special thanks to Dustin and Cassidy for "babysitting" Kyri (she slept the whole time) so we could go. You guys are awesome!!
It's not very often we get dressed up to go anywhere except church, so this truly was a special occasion

Earlier in the day we were able to make a stop at my sister Tawn's house. Kyri loves her "pup" (ginormous boxer) and we even got to see grandma and grandpa Mecham! And, of course, we had to take a belly shot. Tawn is having a baby girl due May 26th, only one month after our due date!! Yeah, just look at the photo and you'll know we're kinda crazy, but at least Tawn is just all belly. Me, on the other hand, am gaining weight everywhere....oh the joys of pregnancy :) but I am just so super excited for Tawn and Jason and for cousins close together :)


brittany schley said...

I didn't know Tawn was pregnant. That is fabulous!

Cami said...

AWW! Mauri, you are so cute pregnant!

Anonymous said...

What a romantical night! Wrestle buddy cousins are the best!

tam said...

Hey Gar, I ran into Teresa and she wanted an invite to you blog! Her email is

Jennifer said...


Hey, my friend and I have started a new blog called The Oak Tree. It's based on an amazing poem about having strength during touch times. The blog is to be an uplifting display of personal experiences and tid-bits of wisdom to help "strengthen our roots!"
Each month a new topic will be presented that will be faith-promoting.

If you're interested in being a contributor, let me know! Every contributor writes under a pseudo name so we can be as open as we'd like.

Check it out, and if you like what you read, put us on your blog list because we update almost daily!

jason and michelle clarke said...

Oh how fun. I love to get dressed up.But I'm like you I only get dressed up for church, because I don't have any other reason too get dressed up for! That sounds like a lot of fun. In fact our stake just held an adult dance last friday night. Jason and I went to it and it was a blast! I haven't danced since highschool. You look way cute too. Not to much longer left yeah!!