

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Gary and I celebrated our 5 year wedding anniversary on July 22nd (yes, I am VERY behind on updating our blog) This was the most perfect day! Instead of taking time out for ourselves we decided to do something super fun with all our kids. And it was SUPER fun!

We started the day at Hogle Zoo
Right now it is "Zoorassic Park" and the kids loved all the dinosaurs. Well, Kyri liked the ones that didn't move, but the moving ones were a little frightening. They not only moved, but also made dinosaur noises. Kyri asked to not go by those ones, but we were lucky that she sat on this one with us. And we were pleasantly surprised to run into my good friend, Jenn...she's the one who took this picture for us, not Tanzi, as I'm sure some of you were wondering :)
Cute baby elephant
Probably my very favorite part of the zoo
We always go to the bird show when we're at the zoo. We LOVE it...every time.
3 sleepy tigers
What a FUN day at the zoo!!
After having a nice lunch in SLC we came home and played on the slip-n-slide
And we ended the evening with a bang. Literally. Fireworks were going off all around us. Kyri and Graysen cried. We tried to make them watch the fireworks, but they just wanted to go to bed. But FIRST we roasted marshmallows and had s'mores.
It really was the most perfect day. I just love Gary SO much and am so grateful to have spent these last amazing 5 years with him!

Happy Anniversary!


tam said...

Yeah! What a fun day! Isn't the zoo a tradition for your anniversary?