

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Oh Blessed Day!!

I have a LOT to catch up on (as always) but for now I'm just going to post about Tanzi's special day.
On Sunday Tanzi was blessed by her Daddy.
It was the most perfect blessing and the most perfect day!
We loved having so much of our family here for the occasion. And our favorite nurse from PCMC, McKell, and her husband even came.
We feel so blessed to be surrounded by so many people who love Tanzi AND us :)
Thank you to ALL of you for making her day so absolutely PERFECT!!

This is the best picture I got of Tanzi.
But our sister-in-law, Amber, who is a photographer, got some much better photos which I will post at a later date.


TWoodseresa said...

a beautiful little girl

Sharee said...

She's beautiful! I wish I could have been there and I'm so glad to hear it was a perfect day! I miss you!

Ryan & Keri said...

Mauri, oh, your post below is so sweet. Motherhood is very difficult. There are some really TOUGH moments for sure. Colic and reflux and anything of that nature can be shattering to a mama going on little or no sleep. Hang in there, and keep looking for those happy moments of smiles and giggles. It will get better. She will grow and overcome her struggles. You're amazing! And she is BEAUTIFUL. Glad the blessing went well and happy that your other two are well.