

Thursday, June 2, 2011


By the title of this post you may think it has something to do with the fact that I can't even take 30 seconds to go to the bathroom without my 2 & 3 year olds interrupting me. And while at the end of the day I truly feel that I have had absolutely NO privacy....unfortunately, that is not what this post is about.
Actually, we will probably be going back to a PRIVATE blog soon. We made it open so that those who wanted to stay updated on Tanzi while in the hospital could. We could not take the time, otherwise, to keep everyone informed. Now that she's home, and we're not posting very often, and most of you aren't checking in on us as regularly, it is time to have some privacy. AKA: make sure random people are not blog stocking us (it happened before we went private the first time and totally freaked me out!!) If you would like to make sure you have an invite to our blog so you can still check up on us, then please leave a comment with your email address.

On another note: we took Tanzi to her 2 month appointment on Monday. I have been wanting to post about it all week, but have been quite under the weather.
So, stay tuned.....


vanessa said...

Hey! I support you in going Private! here's my email: thank you for the nice comment. I'll definitely be blogging about the how his first feed goes! can't wait!

TWoodseresa said...

I want to hear about your family My e-mail is

The Martinsen Family said...

I love hearing about all your life stories, especially because. I sometimes have similar one and like to know I'm not the only one pulling out my hair:) Our email address is

IF you want to email me your address, I can send you Tanzi's present:)

The Strange and Awkward One said...

I'd love to be invited!
Love: Becky Babb Wilson

Dan & Staci said...

Please send me an invite I love checking up on you guys and seeing how your cute little family is growing.

The Broderick Family Blog said...

Please send us an invite to shaun's email. I will send you a message through facebook with the email address. :)

Cindy Lou said...

This is Gary's cousin Cindy, I know we have only met a couple of times but we would love to continue to read about your cute little family. We are so glad that everyone is doing great. My email is
Good luck with everything!!

tam said...

I better still be included......

Betsy said... here you go!! Glad she is doing well!!

Brandy and Trent said...

kevin and angie said...

Jeff and Ali said...

Count us in!

Can't believe how big your kiddos are getting! We are going to be out in July/August, so I would love to get together!

Melinda said...

I'm not great at commenting, but I love keeping up with your cute family.

tashina said...

I'm gary's cousin Tashina. I'd like to be kept updated :)