

Monday, February 21, 2011

Jazz Night

* I should have switched the order of my 2 posts...don't miss the next post about our kids :) *

Jazz Night at the Sky Club 2011
Our yearly date
Gary and I started this tradition back when we were dating in 2006.
Our night starts out with FREE dance lessons (and trust me, we can use ALL the help we can get in this department)
Then we enjoy a fabulous dinner while listening to live Jazz music
And we end the evening by dancing the night away to more live Jazz music

Here we are at my sister's house just before the big night!
(Thanks again, Tawn, for watching our kids!)
Not much to see, but here we are after eating our delicious dinner
My friend, Ann Marie and her brother, Wade
Ann Marie started this event back in 2005 and has only made it bigger and better every year..
We sit with her every year. It is so fun to see her and catch up (since sometimes it's the ONLY time we see her all year!)
I know it's a blurry picture, but I HAD to post a picture of us dancing the night away....7 months pregnant and all!
We LOVE this tradition and look forward to it EVERY year. And since it's always right around Valentine's Day it takes the stress out of finding a gift :)
Thanks, Gary, for another fabulous time at Jazz Night!!