

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Another Night

Last night the kids both kept coming out of their rooms. The last time they did Kyri was crying and told me it was because Graysen had climbed into her bed and she did not want him to this time! I put them both back to bed (in their own beds) and when we checked on them later this is what we found:
Apparently he was looking outside, as you can see the blinds still slightly open. Once he was tired of looking into the blackness of the night he just crashed, I guess.

It seems like he thinks the floor is better than his bed at this point because the last couple days for naps Gray has been sleeping on the floor RIGHT next to his door. It breaks my heart, but I don't know what to do to make him learn to stay in his room when it's time to sleep...


The Martinsen Family said...

I love how we buy our kids the same things and that we go through the same challenges at about the same time. Taiz has the same princess one piece PJ's and Paxton has the same Mickey Mouse PJ's that Gray has. They actually got them for Christmas too:) Paxton is still in his crib for now, fingers crossed. I found a crib at DI when Pax was born, so we've been able to "cage" our kids in as long as possible. My advice on the doors, is to turn the handle backwards. We had to turn Taiz's backwards because she would run in her room and lock the door. It got very old unlocking her door with the key that I couldn't reach:) I'm glad I'm not the only mom that holds the door, while they cry. Its hard, but its what's best for them:) Good luck