

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Christmas Time Again...

...Or should I say "finally"?

Here's Kyri playing the part of Mary for her Joy School Christmas Program.
She did such an awesome job!! Especially since Joseph refused to play the part...she did it all on her own! She even got to put baby Jesus in the manger!
A rising star...for SURE!!
This is our Nativity
Gary got in in the Philippines and this is our first year having it up
I LOVE it!!
Christmas Eve
Boy they sure are excited!!
Santa even gave us a special visit to our house!!
Kyri invited him in and was not at all shy to sit on his lap. Graysen, on the other hand, didn't want anything to do with him....well, except take his "nandy"
I just hope that Santa realizes this is 2 years in a row our kids have had special visits....will you please make a special appearance EVERY year? :)
This is "dog dog" that Kyri gave Gray for Christmas and he LOVES it!
He sleeps with it every night and asks to get it out of his crib every morning.
Kyri's new princess jammies from "Grandma and Grandpa from Bunkerbill"
She has REALLY been wanting some footie pajamas.
Gray in his new jammies...and in the baby exersaucer? Sort of.
Silly boy!!
So, Gary and I got the EXACT same bed set for each other for Christmas!
No, we did not see it while out shopping together.
What are the chances?
It wasn't even something on my Christmas list, so I definitely wasn't expecting it, but when I opened mine I told Gary which present he should open next. We had a pretty good laugh over this one. At least we knew we both liked it!
Kyri got a new scooter and Gray got a new "bike".
Thanks Grandma and Grandpa from "Bunkerbill"!
Since we have so much tile in our house the kids ride around inside and LOVE these!! And it makes their mama happy because they are entertained while I'm making meals.
Everyone lucked out with these gifts :)
Graysen just so happy about his new bike
They really like to push each other around.
Like I said, a great source of entertainment!!
And that Mickey Mouse is what Gray gave Kyri for Christmas. It's nearly as big as her, but she still loves sleeping with it and carrying it around...and giving it rides on the bike.
I've talked about gifts from Gary's parents. Well, they were actually here Christmas Eve and stayed until after we opened presents Christmas morning, but somehow we didn't get ANY pictures of them!! But we absolutely LOVED having them here.
My parents were also here for Christmas Eve and Christmas day. And since my grandparents just live down the road they came over too. So, here's a picture of Grammy, Grampy, Great Grandma and Grandpa Hansen, and kids. Yep, we let our kids stay in their jammies ALL day on Christmas. And Kyri would NOT get off her scooter long enough for us to even get a picture without it. We really did have a GREAT time!!
Graysen and Kyri all ready for church in their new clothes!
Just as a side note: the scarf "bodders" Kyri's neck, but she insisted on wearing it...this was our compromise.
Don't they just look so fabulous all dressed up?!?!
(yes, it's the best picture we could get)
It was so nice just staying home for Christmas this year. And we are SO grateful both our parents made the effort to come up and make it that much more special!! Kyri is already asking when it will be Christmas again!!


tam said...

I love all the pictures and update about Christmas! Grayson's outfit is cute! we have a couple just like it! :) I am glad you guys had a wonderful Christmas!

Justin said...

You have an adorable family! The pictures are great. We really should get together sometime soon. Don't we live relatively close to each other? I need to get some coupon tips from you. It sounds like you're a pro.

WX Ences said...

Too cute! I LOVE the cheesy faces. You can tell they really enjoyed themselves. And CONGRATS on another one! Kids make life worth living...good times!