

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Pet Peeve

No pictures needed for this post.
I just have to mention a real big pet peeve. Seeing how this is something almost everyone I know says, I figure this would be a good way to address it rather than telling you all individually. Please know that this does not change the way I feel about you or our relationship in any way. It's just that every time you say this it gets to me, deep under my skin.
So, let's just address it this once and be done with it. And if you ever say this again, I will forgive you, but I will probably roll my eyes a bit.
Now, on to the peeve:
TEXTED is not actually a word.
However, it is just fine (and even CORRECT) to use "text" as the past tense of text. For example saying: "I text him back" rather than "I texted him back"
Get it?
Stop saying texted.
It's not a word.
It drives me CRAZY!

The End.


Sharee said...

I always say texted. I don't know if I can change that habit...can we still be friends? :)