

Friday, September 3, 2010

Good Bye Summer

This summer has been insanely busy!! I have hundreds of pictures I need to blog about, but for some reason that seemed slightly overwhelming. So, instead I picked a few recent photos in hopes that I will get re-motivated to blog again and hopefully many of those pictures are on their way.

First, a sneak peak at our house. We still have to put things on the walls so I'm only posting one picture
The Kitchen
I LOVE my kitchen!!!
If any of you ever went to our old house you can see why I love this kitchen SOOOO much!
In fact, I love love LOVE our entire house!!
3 years of patience in a 700 sq ft place finally paid off :)
One Sunday afternoon Kyri decided she wanted to do Daddy's hair. Of course Gray didn't want to be left out, so we did them both up.
And who could resist a kiss from either of these when they look so strikingly good-looking?!?!
(Now whenever I tell Kyri it's time to do her hair Gray gets REAL excited and I always have to do his first. And when I'm done he runs his fingers through his hair, in search of a rubber band....even though this was a one and only time for that!)
9:00 Church is just too much for a little man who needs his morning beauty rest
Chocolate Pudding....
Everyday I choose my battles.
This day I was not about to put up a fight to spoon feed him.
He was very happy with my choice.
Playing Dress Up

We have been having SO much FUN with family and friends and are actually a little sad that summer is coming to an end. Saying good-bye to summer means saying hello to school. Gary started this week. But on the more positive side of school: Kyri will be starting Joy School next week! I am SO excited for her to have this socialization with other kids in our neighborhood. More to come on that, I'm sure!
And stay tuned!!
I mean, you never know when I'm going to hit a big blogging streak :)


Todd and Heather said...

Gray looks so happy eating his pudding!!!