

Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Kids

I haven't been very good about updating our blog lately. So, here's a quick look at what the kids have been up to lately.

Pretty sure that life jacket would save her....if she didn't slip out of it first. That is, if she could even make it to any water without tripping on it first!
Our handsome bug sporting a cute mohawk
Just plain CUTE! Oh I could just squeeze him....and I do.
This is what the kids get away with when Daddy's in charge. Good thing she knows better than to try such a thing with her mama :)
Hope she doesn't fall off!!! But check out how long her hair is getting.
Oh how I love this girl. She will NOT take off her pull-up unless SHE wants to (candy is a GREAT incentive) and she will NOT put her shoes on the right feet if she doesn't HAVE to.
I'm not sure who's enjoying themselves more....
but I do have to add that G LOVES the swing and laughs himself silly when he gets in. It is worth every minute of pushing him even in the cold.
We have a kazoo, a toy flute, and a couple of these whistles. G is VERY good at making noise with them and VERY proud of his accomplishments.
I walked into the bathroom to see this:
And then she rubbed her hair with a dirty, wet sock:
REALLY hilarious!
Nighty night
G somehow managed to get some cereal on his head while eating breakfast. And it stayed there while he played. I'm not really sure at what point it fell off, but I think it had something to do with hiding in the "Dora bag" (aka sleeping bag)

Ok, so I wasn't going to post anything about my coupon shopping, but I just couldn't resist. We have gone to KMart EVERY day this week to participate in their double coupon days. (You can only use 5 coupons a day, thats why I had to go back so many times) But look at the kind of deals I got! Everything in this picture was free except the Clean and Clear face wash. It was $.49 So, with tax I paid $.96 for ALL of this!!!
And I didn't take a picture, but on another trip I got a movie for $1. And I didn't even have to join a movie club!!
And I have decided there are a few things I will NOT buy for the next 6 months or so (unless I can get them for FREE) because I have SO many that I got for less than a dollar or free. Things like deodorant (for both Gary and me), razors (again, for the both of us), body wash, face wash, dryer sheets, chocolate chips.....just to name a few.
YEA for couponing!

OH! And Gary and I? We're doing just fine. He works all day and studies all night. I coupon. We are such a FUN couple!! And if Gary decides to take classes this summer? Well, I will just plan on seeing him in a few years when he's all done with school. But until then I will coupon away.


Betsy said...

I dint know if you got ny Facebook email, but you can get great deals at tons of free stuff and she has tons of helpful stuff for coupons. Good luck and your babies are adorable!!!!!

Jeff and Ali said...

You're hilarious! I'm loving your BIG kids...they just get cuter and cuter!

kevin and angie said...

way to go!!! your kids are adorable and growing up!! LOVE the updates. and good luck with the school!! we have been doing the school thing our ENTIRE married lives... but are finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. it is hard for all and takes a lot of sacrifice, but will be so worth it!! good luck! :)

brittany schley said...

sometimes i wish i lived at your house so i could hang out with kyri all day. she makes me happy.

and i love a man with a mohawk! mmmbop baby.

Justin said...

Kids are definitely an adventure. We need to get together since it is finally warm again.

Katie Jane said...

I totally need to do this!!