

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Happy Birthday Baby!

He did it!
He made it through his first year of life without any major incidents.
Besides the time he had to be under the billy lights,
and the time he fell off our high bed,
and the time he fell into the water in the bath,
and the time his sister laid on him,
and the countless times (wait, all of the above have been "countless" times except the billy lights) his fingers have been smashed in drawers,
and I can't forget to mention the last 2 days when he fell off a kitchen chair (one time because he was snitching in some cookies that were on the table).
he made it!

Here's the birthday boy at his best!
So, here's a funny story about "ears":
One day we went to Target as a family.
Not sure how BOTH parents missed it, but at some point we looked up to see Graysen holding "bunny ears".
No idea where he snatched them up from.
Gary put them on G's head and that was the beginning of the obsession for "ears".
Graysen could not get the smile off his face. He thought he was THE coolest thing around. He LOVED those ears.
When Gary tried to take them off, he cried.
When I tried to take them off, he cried.
When Kyri tried to take them off, he cried. HARD!
It was hilarious.
So, we let him wear the bunny ears around the store. We did NOT give in and buy them. We somehow distracted him long enough to take the ears off and leave the store without them, but just thinking about it makes us all laugh.
Thankfully Kyri got these (pictured above) ears form her cousin's birthday party.
Graysen wore them for a good part of the day today.
Quite fitting for a birthday boy, I suppose.
Plus, he thinks he's pretty big to be able to climb into his sister's princess chair all by himself.
He IS one, after all!!

is how you turn a single stroller into a double one.

I could not be more grateful for my precious little boy! He smiles more than any baby I have ever seen, which brings so much joy into our hearts.
He makes me melt.
I love him.
Happy Birthday, Baby!


Sharee said...

So cute!! I love the stroller picture. I can't wait to see you again!

The Martinsen Family said...

I can't believe he is already 1, oh wait that means mine is almost one too! Crazy how the time flies. Hope he had a good birthday:)

Katie Jane said...

I love the double stroller. We tried that for awhile!

Anonymous said...

Wow! He's 1?! Crazy....we need to get him and cutter, and Robert together.

Jeff and Ali said...

Oh my goodness, where has the time gone?? I can't believe Graysen is 1 year old! He is so darn cute, and I feel so bad I have not been able to be there to watch him grow up. He looks so happy, but how could he not with a mom like you?? Glad it was a fun day for that cute little guy!!

WX Ences said...

LOL!! What a cutie!! That smile is adorable, and the double stroller, brilliant. I'll keep it in mind, I'm always looking for a way to stash a few more kids into mine...

Jacque said...

I totally feel you on the 'living' to be one. Two boys in a row made me really fear for Caden's life on numerous occasions, and now he returns the favor ever so often to his big brother.
I miss you!! If you are in Logan, then we are getting together ASAP!!!!!!

Ryan & Keri said...

Mauri, your kids are so grown up! I can't believe it! And I'm AMAZED by how well you are doing with your couponing. Would you mind emailing me about it and what you do exactly? I have been taking the Sunday paper and clipping those coupons, but I have not done as much with it as you have and it seems like you are doing AMAZING with it. Please advise. Thanks! My email is