

Friday, March 5, 2010

A Few Photos

In absolutely no particular order (because I don't want to take the time to rearrange and organize these) here are some pictures of what we've been up to lately.

On occasion I'm able to get Kyri to sit still long enough to do her hair in more than just one pony tail.
The hard part this day was getting her to hold still for the picture!
I can't resist a sleeping baby.
And I was just happy he was actually sleeping in his own bed, after a few days of being sick and not sleeping unless he was being held.
LOVE this little man!
Walks...even on cold days.
The fastest we've been able to walk around the block (just one block) is 30 minutes.
I love the leisurely stroll of a child....nothing to worry about except talking to the puppy.
I am so glad my Kyri girl makes me take the time to appreciate the small things....that matter most.
Best Friends!
This picture makes me smile.
LOVE her!!
Where's G?
(a favorite game of his)
Sleeping sound....just like his sister.
Some people have told us "they're twins" and often times I totally agree.
They are SO alike in SO many ways!
Yep, G's even wearing Kyri's old pink sleeper blanket.
This looks like trouble....
...but someone loves trouble... it in your nose G?...
...there and everywhere else...
...Innocent? or Instigator?...
I was making dinner and I heard Kyri say, "I'll feed G!"

Some times I just LOVE being a Mom!


The Martinsen Family said...

They are so cute, I love seeing all of your pictures. Its crazy how fast they grow up. It seems like they were born just yesterday, and they're almost ten months already. Crazy how time flies.

Jeff and Ali said...

Oh I love it! I can't believe how big they are both getting. That G looks like quite the funny man! We will be in Kaysville from Wed the 10-Sun 14. Jeff will just be here for that weekend, but Q and I would love to see ya! Oh, I can't believe how long Kyri's hair grown up!!

brittany schley said...

it's not fair how awesome you guys are! i love you and your cute little kiddos. miss you kind of a lot. kyri is so funny.

Sharee said...

Haha!!! How fun! I love that he's wearing her pink jammies! :)

WX Ences said...

What good times!

I definitely think Kyri and Ali would be great friends...they seem so much alike!

Your little guy has gotten so many teeth! It makes them look so much older. Max already looks older and he's only got one tooth so far...

Jenny said...

Your kids are SO CUTE and make the BEST FACES! :) Hope you're doing well.

Amber said...

GREAT pictures! Kyri's hair IS getting so long, and looks cute in all the ponytails! Can't believe G's teeth...too cute! Teegan is still workin on #1-2 on bottom! They look so different when they lose those gummy smiles! You are such a super mom, Mauri...your kiddos are lucky! Loved your comment about appreciated what matters most...I needed to hear that!

brittany schley said...

have i told you lately how much i like your faces? i'd like to see them someday soon.