

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Friends & Family = F-U-N!!

We have been so busy lately! It's been a lot of fun, but most of the time I forget to take pictures. Here's a few (ok, several) pictures we did take of our fun times!!

BFFs!! cousin Rylee was born 4 days before Graysen
Kyri will never pass up an opportunity to hold a baby! Especially her cute cousins!!
Graysen and Kyri with their friend, Quinn, just before he moved to Michigan
Best Buds
Quinn is 2 months older than Graysen and SO stinkin cute!! We already miss him! I love this picture because Quinn was just leaning on Graysen...just chillin....and Graysen was happy to let him do it!!
Us with Quinn and his parents Ali and Jeff. We miss them SO much! We sat by the Jensen's in church every Sunday and did a lot of fun things with them. Kyri still talks about them and asks if Quinn and Ali can go on walks with us. Thanks for being such great friends and for loving our kids so much and for having such a CUTE little Quinn!! We can't wait to see you in December!
Graysen and cousin Alyssa squished in the stroller....too bad the sound sleeping didn't last long
After the lipstick incident we finally made it up to Snowbird. Kyri loved playing with the older girls, Isabelle and Sophie, but she especially loved feeding them "cheese turds"...and I think they were having just as good of a time!!
Kyri and Brody having fun in the sand at Bear Lake
It was overcast and cold, but that didn't stop us from enjoying a little time on the beach!
Grammy (as Kyri would say) and Graysen soaking up the....clouds
nothin beats a good dig in the sand!
Nichole tried to take Brody on the raft, but he didn't want to "go out to sea!!!"
Not happy to be squished in the stroller...once again...but still cute!