

Sunday, September 6, 2009

4 Months

A couple weeks ago we had Graysen's 4 month check-up. He weighed 15 1/2 lbs and was 25 1/2 in long (both in the 75 percentile). He's getting so big so fast and is just SO much fun! He smiles all the time. Even the Dr commented on how smiley he is. And he loves to laugh! He loves watching his sister and gets frustrated that he can't get up and do things with her. Of course it's always sad when your kids have to get shots, but this time was especially sad. Graysen started crying before they even stuck him with the needles!! But he's a tough little man and pulled through just fine! We love having him around!

just chillaxin'
We started Graysen on rice cereal in hopes that he would feed less often during the far no luck...he loves to eat about every 2 or 2 1/2 hours. The Dr said it's because he sleeps for so many hours at night (thank you little man!!) that he's making up for it during the frustrating as it gets to feed him SO often I will take the sleeping through the night any day!!
And Graysen always wants to be sitting up so he can be up in everyone's business...the perfect solution? Bumbo chair!!!


Amber said...

YAY Graysen! He is growing so fast indeed...He has definitely passed Teegan up and then some! Teegan only weighed in at 13 lb 9 oz at his 6 month check up!

tam said...

I love your new background! Graysen is looking so big!! Babies grow up so fast!

Sharee said...

They are sooo cute!!! I hope I get to see you soon! :)

Jennifer said...

He's Darling, Mauri! And I like your blog makeover! How is your October looking for a friends dinner? We're running out of weekends in September but I'm seriously missing you guys!