

Saturday, June 13, 2009

serious sun, shades, and smiles

We finally got Kyri some new sunglasses, and, of course, I couldn't resist a new hat! So here she is sporting her new stuff!

You didn't think we'd leave our little man out, did you?

Going on walks is about as far as I go with these two, but we all LOVE it!! And, of course, I have the cutest kids in the neighborhood, so it makes it that much more enjoyable to show them off! :)

Graysen loves to smile, but it's hard to snap the camera at just the right time...this time we got lucky! Cutest little man I know!!
Some of our favorite things Kyri says: "hoppertopper" (helicopter)
"here a go, mamma" or "here a go, daddy"
"bless you, Graysen....maaaaaannn"
She tells us that at church she learns about "Monson, Jesus, and Temples" and lately when we ask her what she had dreams about it's usually "birdies" and "Jesus"
Her friends in nursery are "Mawy (Molly)....2 Mawies"
When she sees Graysen she will get right up in his face and say, "Hey, man! Hey, maaaannnn!!"
And, of course, our favorite: "lub you"


Teresa Woods said...

what a cute family you have. the smiling picture of the baby is darling.

Jana said...

What cute little ones you have. That will be so fun having so many little cousins so close to Graysens age. There 2 cute

jason and michelle clarke said...

That's cute. And walks are great!!

WX Ences said...

They sure are cute! It was great to see you yesterday at the reunion. Hope all's well.