

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

My 2 Best Kids

There is much to catch up on and yet I am not taking the time to do so. Instead I am just posting a few photos of our precious little ones....and maybe one day I will catch up....or Gary will do it for me...???

at Graysen's 2 month appointment he weighed 12 lbs 7 oz and was 23 in long...growing "like a weed", but no worries, we won't pull him and throw him out any time soon.
(note the cute little mole on his leg) a baby, of course

he doesn't just sleep all day (just most of it). In fact, he is very smiley when he is awake. He especially loves to smile at his big sister. But isn't he precious when he's asleep?

Kyri's getting big too...and mean. She loves to do things to Graysen she knows will hurt him. Just today she said, "Sorry, Gaysen" right before she smacked him with something!

But how can she stay in trouble for long when she is SO stinkin cute?!

Kyri now likes to say "here a go, Kyri" when we are giving her makes me laugh.

The other day Kyri was repeatedly throwing hot glue gun glue sticks at Graysen and every time she threw one she would say, "sorry, G man, (throw), sorry G man...."

Kyri loves to help with the dishes. And since this is one of my dreaded household chores (we don't have a dishwasher), then I gladly accept her help. She stands on a chair next to me. I wash, she rinses and puts (throws) the dishes in the "drainer". She does pretty good until she gets distracted and starts drinking the hot water from the clean dishes, she ends up sopping wet, the dishes get done, and everyone is happy!

Don't we have the 2 best (and cutest, mind you) kids ever?!?!


Sharee said...

Soooo cute!!! She's got such a funny personality!

jason and michelle clarke said...

Kids life would be kind of dull with out them! They are so cute! I can relate to you about not letting them be in trouble for to long it's a hard thing when they're so cute!!

Frehner Family said...

sweet babies. Not quite as cute as mine of course..but still very sweet.

Hope ya'll are doing well!

brittany schley said...

they are the best. no argument from me.