Kyri and Graysen had a conversation the other day that brought a big smile to my face.
And this is why I love my 2 & 3 year olds!!
Kyri was a little under the weather and Graysen was outside playing. Kyri went outside and this is what took place:
Kyri: "Graysen, I'm not going to come outside (yes, she IS outside saying this) because I don't feel too good."
Graysen: "You sick sister?"
Kyri: "No, I'm not sick I'm just not feeling too good."
Graysen: "Oh.....WHY?"
Kyri: "Oh....I don't know."
Graysen: "OK sister."
Maybe not everyone gets it like me, but every time I think about this (and other conversations) I can't help but be in love with these two!!
Some of you may not know this, but Tanzi has not been a perfect little baby since she's been home. In fact, she is by FAR my hardest baby. The pediatrician thinks she has reflux. She doesn't spit up, so it wasn't something I caught right away. We put Tanzi on some medicine and tried it out for over a week...without much change.
Tanzi doesn't sleep all...which mean I don't sleep well.
I called the Dr and we got a new prescription. We tried that for a while....still not much of a change.
I'm not used to having a baby wake up in the night for any other reason than to just eat. This week has been particularly rough because Kyri and Graysen have both taken their turns being sick. And have taken their turns being up in the night.
Last night I was feeling quite sleep deprived and, to be quite honest, feeling quite sorry for myself. Gary was gone enjoying some time playing basketball. And here I was. Stuck at my house. My messy, disastrous house. My house I'm stuck at all day every day since Gary takes our one car that fits all 3 of our kids in it. The house I've been cleaning puke up from all week. Here I was. Holding a baby who would cry every time I tried to put her down. Wishing I could finish folding laundry. Or at least put away the laundry that had already been folded. Instead I was just sitting.
And then something happened. This baby who had been squirmy and fussy in my arms was suddenly still. I looked down at the sleeping babe just in time to see the BIGGEST smile cross her face. Then she gave me a long giggle. Well, it was more like a full on laugh. And suddenly I didn't feel so sorry for myself anymore. Suddenly the messy house didn't seem to weigh so much on my guilty conscience and the fact that I was "stuck" here didn't seem to be such a drag.
I finally realized that I would not want to be anywhere but here.
Holding the sweetest angel....