

Friday, September 19, 2008

Happy Birthday, Kyri, Baby!!

I can't believe our little baby is already 1!! She has been such a joy and absolute blessing in our home! For the past few days, at least once a day, Kyri will just give me a kiss...out of nowhere...I don't even ask her for one...and it just melts my heart! She is so much fun to be around! We are celebrating her birthday with cake and ice cream tomorrow, but I wanted to get some photos of her on her actual birthday, and will post more photos after tomorrows events.
clearly interested in something other than the camera...for once
getting ready to climb onto the tree stump
just too cute!
(this is a headband I made...I am far from crafty...and Gary hates it because the flower is as big as her head...but she is still pretty stinkin cute if you ask me...flower and all)

We are hoping to have some "real" 1 year photos taken soon, but until then you get my snapshots...

Happy Birthday Baby!!


Hickmans said...

good job Mauri!! I love the headband it is very stylish!!

Unknown said...

she is adorable!!!!! xxxx

Frehner Family said...

Happy Birthday Kiddo! Glad to see you are feeling better.

brittany schley said...

Happy BIG birthday! went by fast. She is so dang cute!! And what does Gary know about style? He's a guy so he doesn't count. I love it.