I know July is nearly over and I'm just barely posting our 4th of July adventures...but better late than never, right? We had a great time over the holiday weekend. Unfortunately I don't have photos of many of our activities, so I will ramble for a moment about our outings and then on to the few photos I managed to get.
We stayed at Grandma and Grandpa Allen's for a couple nights. The guys ran the Filmore Freedom Mile while the girls saved seats for the parade...the longest parade of my life, I might add. Then we headed to Delta for a delicious dutch oven dinner at Brad and Heidi's. After stuffing ourselves to overflowing we went to Delta's famous Demolition Derby. Kyri seemed to enjoy herself nearly as much as the adults. We had front row seats, which meant much flying dirt/mud, which meant little clumps of dirt in the next diaper change. Glad it was Gary's turn. After the Derby we again had front row seats for the fireworks. Kyri was beyond exhausted, but enjoyed the fireworks almost as much as she enjoyed smiling and giggling at the 10 year old boy sitting behind us....she's just workin' it early....and that's fine with us.
Getting ready for the festivities
After our time in Filmore and Delta we went further south. Before arriving in Mesquite we stopped at Sand Hollow for a quick lake trip. It rained a bit while we were out, but the consensus shows a great time was had by all......
.......or was it? Kyri wasn't quite sure what to think
I love taking the little ones on the boat with grandpa! It is always so fun for them, except those darn lifejackets always seem to get in their way! Once again we wish we could have been there to enjoy the lake with everyone!
Good to see some new pics! I'm a little upset you made it down south and didn't take me with you. I was supposed to go last weekend but I couldn't hack it with the belly and the girl all by myself. I guess your pics will have to do. I can see my mountains in the background. D day is close! Miss ya.
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