

Thursday, June 5, 2008

mealtime moments


"I can do it myself!!" even in the eye...nice!

I thought she was done eating but when I took her highchair tray off she found some cheerios in the pocket of her bib...she thought it was great!
ta da...she got it out!
drinking from a bottle that's as big as her!
once Kyri turned 8 months we decided it was definitely time for her to become a bit more independent. So, now when she is thirsty we just hand her the whole carton of milk...
...good luck little lady!
a nice bubble bath after a messy meal


Jolene said...

Checking your blog for new pics today paid off! Since I'm missing that little angel like crazy, I was so happy to see her smiling ( albeit dirty) face! We loved having you here and hope you'll come again soon! MOM

tam said...

how fun! Let the messy meals begin! It seems to only get worse. I mean, have you ever seen Kyler eat a meal??? I love the gallon of milk! She is so stinkin cute!

Jennifer said...

That's right...teach her to drink out of the milk carton! Atta Girl! I LOVE the bubbles picture!

mNm said...

Those pictures made me bust up laughing! That is hilarious! I especially loved the gallon of milk!

Unknown said...

oh my i cant believe she is getting so big that fast!! so cute!

Jeff and Ali said...

How did the trip go this weekend? Ali and I have a real adventure to tell you about that went down while you were gone.