

Friday, April 29, 2011

Day 29

Today was a good day for Tanzi. She is now up to 45mL's (1 1/2 ounces!!!) on her feeds!! And remember how I told you full feeds were about 48mL's? Well, that's not entirely true. Her full feeds all depend on how much she weighs. And since her weight keeps going up, so does the amount of food she gets. However, she is still really close to full feeds. So close, in fact, that she will be going off her central IV and lipids! And the NP told me today that since she's so high on her feeds then tomorrow we could try to breast feed!! We will try it once a day to start. I'm REALLY excited about this! One step closer to having this baby girl HOME!!
A Rockstar indeed!

And here's a confession I have to make. Not that I want to admit my mistakes, but I have to make sure that I document the fact that some of my numbers from previous posts are incorrect. I have been calculating Tanzi's weight wrong.
When I call and ask, the nurses always give me her weight in grams, then I use my phone to convert it into pounds. (That seems to be quicker than waiting for the nurses to convert it for me) Well, if it converted into 6.3 lbs (for example) then I was telling you she weighed 6lbs 3oz.
Dumb, I know.
I have had a lot on my mind :)
So, I was always off on her weight. But I'm back on track. Last night when I called to check on Tanzi her nurse told me she gained 90 grams. That's 3 ounces!
She is currently about 6 lbs 8 oz That's nearly a whole pound above her birth weight!!

Today Tanzi had a couple of visitors!!
Here she is, meeting her Aunt Andrea for the very first time! And she snuggled up and went right to sleep in no time!
And her Aunt Tawn came to visit too!
Tawn even got to feed her. And this was the very first time Tanzi didn't finish her bottle!! But she had been awake for quite a while. I think she was more tired than hungry by time she got to the very end.
And, of course, more snuggles!

Wide awake and checking things out

These two are quite the pair!
They have been getting into a lot of trouble lately!! But how can you stay mad for very long at faces such as these?!
Here's a picture of them making "sad faces"
Tanzi fits right in with these CUTE kids!!
I am the LUCKIEST mom to have the MOST beautiful 3 children in ALL the WORLD!!


The Martinsen Family said...

I can't get over how funny things are when I read your posts. I know none of this is funny, but what's funny is how similar we are and our kids our. For instance, Taiz informed me a month ago that "Paxton" wanted a train birthday cake, and then I see that Gray wanted one too. And then Taiz has the same capris as Kyri. Its like were twins:) Plus that our kids have some of the same Pajamas. Those our my favorite post, when they sleep next to each other:) It makes me laugh seeing everything, maybe if I ever updated our blog, you could see the similarities too:)

WX Ences said...

I haven't been on in a while and can't believe all that you guys have been going through! Congrats on the cute little baby, she sure has gotten bigger in the last few weeks, she looks older. I wish you the very best and hope things continue to improve!!

tam said...

Oh I need to come and meet this sweet little thing! I hope the breastfeeding went well today!