

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

A Bit of Humor

I didn't go see Tanzi was Gary's turn. But since he doesn't get off work until midnight there will be no new post on Tanzi until tomorrow. So, I decided I would share with you this funny video...for a bit of a break in routine. My friend, Alison, posted this on facebook and I was laughing SO hard! I watched it several times. I think it's pretty hilarious! However, since I'm technologically impaired I didn't know how to post the actual video (please leave a comment telling me how if you would like to help me figure it out and I'll change it) so for now just follow the link!
Let me know if this makes you laugh til you I did :)


Betsy said...

Hopefully you watched them all! They made me think of Doug, Devin and Matt and stupid video they made.

Betsy said...

Oh and she is so cute and it is sooooo nice to see her beautiful face without all the tubes!!!!

tawn said...

SERIOUSLY HILLARIOUS!!! I really was laughing til I cried! I loved it. It made my day!!!

brittany schley said...

i'm so glad tanzi is really showing those docs what she's made of! i hope she gets to come home to you guys soon. love you!!

p.s. episode 4 is the best. you've got to watch it!

Lindsay said...

Mauri and Gary, I've been so bad at keeping up with blogs. I just read a bunch about your sweet Tanzi. We will keep you in our prayers. I hope she can come home soon.

The Broderick Family Blog said...

LOVED the movie! So clever!! Thanks for sharing. I was really laughing so hard I was crying! :)