

Sunday, May 1, 2011

A GREAT Weekend

Saturday. Day 30 in Primary Children's NICU.
What a fabulous day!
First, Gary went to see Tanzi when he got off work at midnight and stayed long enough to feed Tanzi at 2am. Not too many daddy's go to see their baby girl in the middle of the night! What a GREAT way to start the weekend.
Then later in the morning I was able to go spend some time with our sweet baby. I was there in time for Tanzi's 11am feeding. Now, remember, they have been feeding Tanzi every 3 hours (even waking her to feed her) and only feeding her 45mL's (1.5 ounces) max. Well, for this feeding I was able to nurse Tanzi!! Since it was her first time in 4 weeks the lactation specialist was there to help out. None of us knew what to expect, but, once again, our little Tanzi girl proved to be a true "Rockstar"! She latched on perfectly and went to town!
Sorry folks, no pictures documenting this most fantastic milestone!!
Since she did so well our nurse (yep, our favorite, McKell) asked the NP if we could try nursing again for the next feed. So, not only did I nurse Tanzi once, but TWICE yesterday! What a great feeling for this mama! Then they decided that since Tanzi is such a Rockstar they would stop feeding her every 3 hours with a certain amount of food. Instead they would feed her when she was hungry and let her eat as much as she wanted. And I even changed two big, nasty, poopy diapers! A very good sign that her digestive system is, indeed, working as it should.
YEA for poop!

When I got to the hospital yesterday McKell had Tanzi in her bouncer and she was "watching a show", as McKell told me. She had her little toy hooked to the crib. She was actually asleep. Sounds like her mommy and daddy...fall asleep watching a show. But oh how we love how that McKell takes care of our precious baby girl! She is just SO good to her!
Another cute headband.
McKell was telling me she thinks Tanzi looks like a genie with her headband that's too big for her.
A genie? Maybe. But at least she is the dang cutest genie EVER!!
Tanzi managed to push her headband off while pushing out a poop!
Here's one of her many cute faces! She is constantly making faces at us :)
Showing off her bright, happy outfit

Sunday. Day 31.
I walked into the hospital today and McKell told me that tomorrow will be THE day!
That's right, we're bringing this baby girl HOME!!
McKell told me that Tanzi was still wanting to eat about every 3 hours, but she was eating at least 60 mL's (2 ounces) every time. And eating it fast. I think she was probably feeling a little jipped about the 45 mL's she was getting before :)
As long as she gains weight again (she is now up to 6 lbs 12 oz!) and does well through the night, then we will say goodbye to this place that has been SO good to us!

This is how I found Tanzi when I got there today...showing off her outfit we took her. McKell found the cute headband and jacket to accessorize.
She was being held by McKell. I have never seen any other nurse hold Tanzi...another reason McKell is our favorite!
The very McKell we have talked so much about!
And while we may be leaving her place of employment she will always be a special part of this Allen family!!
LOVE her!!
Sleeping like her siblings...with her face covered up!
Take note of her pretty, long fingernails. That may have to be on the top of our to-do list after she gets home
We can NOT wait to get our beautiful baby home! We are so glad she is now healthy and doing SO well. We have to give SO much thanks to so many of you who offered prayers and fasting on behalf of Tanzi and our entire family. We know that it is through your faith that Tanzi made such rapid progress and is coming home as soon as she is! There truly is NO way to thank all of you for all your love, prayers, fasting, and support but please know how very grateful we are to be surrounded by so many angels on earth!!
We love you!!


Lance and Kellie said...

Yay!! I'm so happy that your little family will finally be together!! Tanzi is amazing and so are you!

Lindsay said...

Wahoo! That is the most exciting news ever! What a little "rockstar" :)

Amber said...

yes!!!! finally kyri can love her to death and so can you. great news!!!

tawn said...

And we love you too!!! We are SO EXCITED for you and your family! It will be so great for all of you to be ALL together at home! I can't wait for the next update with pictures of all of your kids together!

Dan & Staci said...

Congratulations, that is so wonderful that you will be able to take Tanzi home. What a blessing. It sounds like McKell may miss her lots though, what a great nurse she was for you guys!

TWoodseresa said...

what awesome news, but you have to keep us posted. we are waiting for pictures of Kyri and Greyson holding and loving on Tanzi. Good luck and keep up the good work Tanzi

Nichole said...

Oh this is Happiness!! YAHOO!!! Such great news Maur! Im just so excited for the bunch of you. Cant wait to see this baby. Love you guys!

Betsy said...

Yeah!!!!!!! YEAH!!!!! Y E A H !!!!!!! That is all I have to say !!!!