

Friday, April 15, 2011

Day 14

Tanzi had a nice quiet day today. She had a lot of snuggle time with mommy and daddy, which she loves. She is still on full feeds through her NJ tube. They probably are not going to do much with it, but Mauri and I noticed that it kept moving around when she would turn her head. We told the nurse, but she didn't seem to be too concerned about it. When Mauri was talking to the NP, she told Mauri that the surgeons knew it would be a long healing process and that it is going to just take time. Not the words you want to hear when you are Parents wanting to take your baby home soon. At least she is in good hands and we know our Heavenly Father is blessing her and us.

Peek-a-boo, I see you!
Tanzi just likes to be wrapped up tight and didn't like when we unwrapped her to show off her yellow outfit.
Almost a smile....the best we can get without it planned.
Tanzi has brought so much joy into our lives, we continue to love her, as well as Kyri and Graysen more and more each day!


Seleta said...

I hope everything continues to go well and you get to go home soon! Prayers coming your! way love you!

The Broderick Family Blog said...

I can't even imagine how hard it is to leave your baby at the hospital every night. I am so proud of you for seeing the positive side and tender mercies even when they seem small. We are praying for you guys and hope that little tanzi makes a speedy recovery!