

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Day 19 and Funny Kids

Today was a really great day!
I got to spend all morning with Tanzi and all afternoon with Kyri and Graysen.
It was perfect!!
And this afternoon I took the kids on a walk and we stopped at the park. I wish I would have taken my camera, though, because those two were quite the sight! Gray had on his 12 month pants, which totally look like capris! His white socks were quite noticeable (since his pants end at about the top of his socks), along with his brand new shoes. And Kyri had her pink and white "clown shoes" (as Gary likes to call them) on the wrong feet and her hair hadn't been combed all day!
They both looked awesome!!
Then I had to tell a little girl (probably about 6 years old) that if she couldn't be nice she should just go home. She was throwing sand at kids! I was the only adult at the park, so I decided I would take action.
I'm so awesome!!

This morning I got to the hospital just as Tanzi's nurse was taking her down to radiology for a test. I was able to be there with her the whole time. And she actually did much better than any of us expected. She only cried a couple times! She actually cried a lot harder after we got back to her room and I had to do her cares. She was screaming pretty hard, but the second I picked her up she stopped crying. This baby girl just LOVES to be held!! And then she was wide awake and everyone that came to her bedside (doctors, nurses, etc) commented on how alert she was. It made me think of Kyri. Kyri came out of the womb wide-eyed and alert. When Kyri's pediatrician checked her in the hospital he even said he's never seen a newborn so alert before! Gary and I have been trying to decide if Tanzi looks more like Kyri or Graysen (we already know she looks like them and not us) and sometimes I think she looks more like Gray, but today she definitely looked more like Kyri to me! (but from what people say Kyri and Gray look exactly alike, so what's the difference, right?)
So I was there when the medical team did rounds, but we couldn't really discuss much because we were still waiting on the results from radiology. Then we would have to wait to see what surgery said about those results. And THEN we could make some decisions from there. Tanzi lost a little weight again last night, but they also had to stop her feeds around midnight for this test. So, the doctors want to give her a little more time before deciding if she needs a fortifier in her (my) milk or not. I also asked them if they thought about ever putting her back on the gastric re-feeds, and they just told me that we will have to wait and see what the surgeons think about the results of her GI test today. So, long story short (or did I make a short story long?), there were no changes made today (besides getting her back ON her feeds), but much should be decided tomorrow.

Here's Tanzi all cozied up!
Wide awake! And NO mittens on! Yes, she has already tried to pull those tubes out!
Showing off her outfit for the day.

Some things never change.
Gray has a hard time going to sleep before it's dark! Every night before bed we clean their room and every night when I go check on them it is the HUGEST disaster! I am now having second thoughts about that book shelf we put in their room!
And apparently tonight after he made a huge mess he didn't want to get into bed by himself. So, he helped himself into his sister's bed (while she was sleeping). And he was STINKY so I had to wake him up and change his bum. But then he went to sleep in his own bed.

Last night after over an hour of being in his room he knocked on the door. When I opened it not only was his room a mess, but he was stinky AND he had taken all of Kyri's blankets off of her and her bed (while she was sleeping)!! The poor girl was curled up in the fetal position, trying to stay warm.
And one night after a while of being in his room Gray just started crying. Well, more like screaming, really. We let him cry for a while, but then decided we better go check on him because that's unusual for him to do. When we opened the door Graysen was sitting on Kyri's bed, on her pillow, RIGHT next to her head. She was sound asleep and he was just screaming. I have a feeling that he climbed in her bed (while she was awake) and she told him to get out of her bed, which made him mad, so he started crying and she just went to sleep...which probably made Gray even more mad!!

Graysen is talking SO much these days! Some of which is hard to understand. And sometimes we will ask Kyri to interpret for us. She usually knows what he's saying. One of my favorite words he says right now is "Wes!" (for yes) I don't know why, but I think it is SO stinkin' cute when he says that!!

In case you're wondering: YES, Kyri still talks about her imaginary friend, Sissa. Sometimes Sissa is not a very good influence on our Kyri girl! For example: one day we were talking about going to the store and Kyri told me we could go tomorrow (Sunday). I told her that we don't go to the store on Sundays. When she asked why I told her that Sunday is a day to think about Jesus and do what He wants us to do, like go to church instead of the store. She informed me that Sissa goes to the store on Sunday. I said, "No she doesn't" Well, don't try to tell Kyri what her friend does or doesn't do!! She insisted that "yes, she DOES go to the store...with her MOM!!" So, finally I told her that she should teach Sissa about Jesus so she can start doing what He wants her too! Nice one, right? :)
Another time when we were having Family Home Evening about baptism, at the age of 8, by the proper authority, Kyri pipes up and says that Sissa's mom baptized her when she was a baby. Gary and I said in unison, "No, she didn't!" Again, how would WE know? Kyri insisted that she did. So, again, we told her that she needs to teach Sissa about Jesus and about when He wants us to get baptized and by whom.
Anyone want a Sissa around?
She's FREE!

Kyri has been talking about death a lot lately! Sometimes I'm not really sure how to answer her questions. But the other day she was talking about my sister's dog, Buddy. She asked why he had to die. I told her he got old and was really sick and his body just quit working, so he died. (We have had several talks about how when you die it's just your body and not your spirit, but I'm not sure how much her 3 year old mind gets that) Anyway, shortly after talking about this she said, "Well, Grammy and Grampy are pretty old!!" I just laughed and said, "Yeah, I guess they are!" She replied, "They're way, WAY old!! (pause) I think I know why Grampy's so old!!" Me: "Oh really? Why?" She said, "Because he has hurt feet so he always has to wear his shoes in the house! I think that made him old!" I LOVE this girl!! She never misses a thing and that mind of hers is ALWAYS thinking!


The Sparks family said...

OK, that is a hilarious post. Thanks for making me laugh, out loud here in my kitchen by myself. Sorry but I don't think I want Sissa around either, but I guess you have learned that you don't know Sissa very well and Kyri does! I hope that sweet baby of yours can come home soon, you are still in my thoughts and prayers!

The Martinsen Family said...

Your kids crack me up. I agree it is hard to convince a three year old of anything!!