

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Saturday & Sunday

*I caught up there are a few new posts...the others actually even have pictures*

WARNING: this post may contain some graphic potty at your own risk!

Saturday morning I got up around 4 to feed Tanzi.
I got back into bed just after 4:30 (I'm not normally up with her that long, but....we snuggled for a while :) )
Shortly after that Kyri came into my room, crying.
She came in earlier (around midnight?) and said her tummy hurt.
This time she just started throwing up on my floor!
That was the beginning....of something really awful!
She threw up every few minutes for about 4 hours! It was so ridiculous!!
Then she was throwing up every 30 minutes. Then every hour.
Oh I felt SO bad for her!

While I was down getting Graysen some breakfast I could hear Kyri running up here. When I came to check on her (thinking she was throwing up again) I discovered she had a stinky accident.
She just had it coming out of both ends with such great force!! bad!
Of all the times for her to be sick did it have to be while Gary is gone?!?!
Why, yes. Yes it did.

One time, in the afternoon when Kyri thought she was feeling better she was downstairs with us while we were eating lunch.
She threw up ALL over the rug!
Most other times she made it to the toilet, with a few almosts.

So, we spent the day watching TV and movies.
I did a TON of laundry and cleaning, as you can imagine.

I was supposed to teach Relief Society today, but called the education counselor yesterday and explained my situation. I told her that even if Kyri wasn't throwing up I didn't feel like I should take her to church.
I guess I could say that that was the one good thing that came out of all of this, but the thing is, I don't mind teaching. In fact, I love it and am kind of really glad that's been my calling for over 4 years now :)
BUT it was nice to not have to worry about it....with a sick child and Gary gone and all.

Today we stayed in our jammies....just like yesterday.
We had another lazy day, even though Kyri was feeling better.
She hadn't thrown up since 3 pm yesterday!!

I made some cookies.
Didn't love 'em.
Graysen at 3 of them , though, so they're not disgusting.
That's about all he ate since breakfast.
I made french toast casserole for breakfast and both Kyri and Gray ate a lot.
Then I made an Italian Suddenly Salad for lunch and added tomatoes, avocado, olives, and mozzarella cheese.
It was SO good.
The kids didn't eat it :(
Then I was feeling like a "real" dinner, so I made chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, and peas and carrots.
The kids didn't eat that either!! :(
I TOTALLY thought they would.
They normally DO eat that stuff.

Well, before Kyri went to bed she said her tummy hurt.
Just a few minutes ago she was crying.
I went into her room and then she threw up!!
Luckily I had a "throw up" bowl handy.
She never used it yesterday, but I sure was glad to have it there tonight!
The poor girl!!
But that's how it usually is when she gets sick.
She might throw up once a day for the next few days...or skip a day and then throw up again.
Man, the poor thing!!
At least it's not every few minutes like it was yesterday!
No wonder she didn't eat much today.
But Gray didn't either....let's PLEASE hope that is not a sign of things to come!!

I really kind of need to go to the store let's hope all kids are feeling well!!