

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Movie Day

This morning Gary woke up early and got ready to go pick up our bountiful basket. Before he left he realized the kid's light in their room was on. He went in and Gray was awake, sitting on Kyri's bed...she was still trying to sleep. So, I guess I can't always blame Kyri for waking up early and turning the light on :) Gary took Graysen with him to get our basket. A few minutes later Kyri came into my bedroom and asked where Daddy was. After I told her she asked where Graysen was. She likes having her brother to play with in the mornings! But I was able to talk her into snuggling me...for a few minutes. She definitely isn't our snugly one, so I have to take advantage of it when I can. She even gave me a back rub! What a good girl!!

We made Swedish pancakes for breakfast.
Kyri's and Graysen's favorite breakfast.
They used to ask for them every morning, but soon learned we only have them when daddy's home because mommy doesn't like to cook them. So, I usually mix the batter and Gary cooks them. This morning Gary did it all!! And we won't have Swedish pancakes for at least 3 weeks now.

Around 11 we decided to have a movie day. We wanted to do something as a family and knew the kids would love this! We watched Shrek 2 and ate popcorn and M&M's and drank chocolate milk. Graysen only sat still long enough to eat his treats (as usual), but Kyri really liked the movie. She only recently watched the first one at Grammy's for the first time. She is very nervous about watching new shows because she gets scared VERY easily, but she really liked these.

After the movie we went to Walmart. We thought it would be nice to get some food for meals while Gary's gone. I couldn't think of anything I might want to make for just me and the kids. So, we just got chicken nuggets and fish sticks, upon Kyri's's gonna be a long few weeks!!

For dinner we got pizza from Pizza Hut. I think most families order pizza on a regular basis. We RARELY eat it. I'm just not a huge fan of pizza, but it was really good tonight and hit the spot. Our kids don't love pizza, especially Kyri. She obviously gets it from me. She ate the sausage, olives, mushrooms, and green peppers off the top.

Then we went for a walk and took the triple stroller again. This time Gary got to push :) We just went a few blocks away to the Devlin's so Gary could give Brother Devlin the lesson manual so he can teach the YM tomorrow. We chatted with Jen for a while and came home and got the kids ready for bed. I read them a couple stories and then we read Book of Mormon Stories. After that Gary told the kids a story and then they both wanted to tell us a story. Graysen's story was HILARIOUS! And it was about 15 minutes long!!
He started by telling us how one time we went for a walk and a bird pooped on him.
True story.
Have I ever mentioned it?
I'll have to some time because it's pretty funny. And both Graysen and Kyri like to tell it...over and over.

Gary still has to pack for his trip.
And I still need to fold laundry.
I normally do laundry on Mondays, but decided I better do up all the wash so Gary can take what he needs....clean.
So, I guess I'll fold laundry and watch him pack. Then maybe at 9 we can watch my murder mystery together :)
He leaves around 6 tomorrow morning.
That means I'll be at church with all 3 kids!!
Let's just say if Graysen still has a runny nose and I can't take him to nursery I might not be too sad :) Although, he LOVES nursery and Kyri would be sad to miss I guess it might be worse to listen to them whine about not going. Plus, Tanzi is usually pretty good and sometimes even sleeps at church.
I'll keep you updated on how it goes!

Tanzi was happy to be going to the store
Kyri wanted to wear her boots to the store.
I'm glad I got a picture in before Gary told her to go change them.
We talked her into wearing her crocs instead
It's been a fun day with the family!
We're sure going to miss Gary, but will love being able to Skype him during this trip!
Plus, I will probably update the blog daily since Gary is he can keep up with all that we're doing while he's gone.