

Monday, October 24, 2011

Another Day Another....

I wish.
No, Today it was another sicky.
Graysen woke up around 6 and snuggled me.
A while later he was standing in the middle of the floor and made "the sound" (as Gary and I now refer to it)
Our kids sound like they are throwing up, but nothing comes out.
They ALWAYS throw up some time later, though.
So, when we went down for breakfast he was carrying his cereal over to the table and threw up....all over in his bowl...and everywhere else!
Then he took a nap before 10 this morning...on my bed.
I could totally tell he didn't feel well.
Poor guy!
At least that was the only time he threw up.

I LOVE that his bed is full of his "friends" and that he's snuggling Dog Dog
I know it's a blurry picture, but I found her on her belly again :)
Kyri and Graysen played with play-do for a really long time today.
They combined ALL their colors (with my help, of course...I didn't want to be left out)....
and what color did they get?
A gross grayish color.
They mixed the homemade play-do from preschool in with it, so when they were done we just threw it all away.
I think I may be making our play-do from now on.
Now they LOVE mixing colors...and it is SO much softer and easier for the kids to work with!

After playing with the train Tanzi was showing a special interest in "Big Monkey"
She was SO stinkin' cute with it.
I couldn't decide which picture to I posted them all :)

Too cute!
Graysen REALLY wanted to be in some of the pictures
Kyri was in time she missed out :(

We made banana bread today.
I just needed to make something I knew I could trust...and LOVE!
Oh, it is so SO good!!

For dinner I made a YUMMY salad with lettuce, tomato, avocado, carrot, cucumber, and cheese.
I made one the other night and the kids ate it UP! In fact, Kyri even asked for more. Well, tonight neither of them ate more than a couple bites.
They both ate some plum and then told me, "I'm full to the brim-hole!"
I think maybe they still aren't feeling very well.
Kyri didn't eat much all day.
It's just so unlike these two to not eat much.

Tonight, after the kids took a bath and were mostly ready for bed, we got to Skype daddy.
We had Family Home Evening with him.
I think the kids REALLY loved that!!
I really loved that :)

The last couple nights, when I've taken the kids to bed, Kyri has done the CUTEST thing!!
After we blew each other kisses, Kyri blew me an extra kiss and said,
"Give that to daddy when you talk to him tonight!!"

So, daddy, here ya go: