

Sunday, October 23, 2011


I don't really remember a whole lot about this day.
It was obviously very uneventful.
I do remember taking all the kids to WalMart.
Not only was it an excuse to get out of the house, but we were down to Graysen's last diaper!
When we bought our last box of diapers were were really hoping it was our last.
But Gray goes potty on the toilet when he wants...and Gary's going to work with him some more when he gets home.
I was totally ok with taking all the kids to the store to buy more diapers :)

On the way home we decided to stop at the park by our house.
We need to take advantage of this nice weather...and the kids get bored in our backyard.
Plus, Tanzi was just asleep in her carseat, so I figured it would be a nice nap outside for her.
At the store we bought some animal crackers, so I opened them and let the kids eat them at the park.
One of the times when Gray came back from playing on the toys to eat a cracker, he just said, out of nowhere, "Thank you....buying these crackers at the store!!"
Oh, he is such a SWEET boy and is always saying thank you for things!!
I do try to teach my kids manners, but I don't force them to say thank you at every random thing...he is just SO polite.
I LOVE it!!
Oh, and I really wish I could describe on here how Graysen actually says "thank you"
It is one of the cutest things EVER!!
Tawn said she thinks he sound like a little British boy.
He says "f" instead of "th" and doesn't even say the "k" at all....oh, I just want to squeeze him every time he says it!!

After being at the park for about 30 minutes Kyri came down the slide, and as she was sitting at the bottom she said, "Ummm....I'm kind of peeing. Oh...I had an accident!!"
You've been potty trained for over 2 years now!!
They have bathrooms here!!
I didn't get mad.
I was calm.
And made the kids get into the car.
I cleaned the slide off with a burp cloth and wipey.
So much for spending the evening at the park.

I wasn't tempted to watch my murder mystery.
I watched Extreme Makeover: Home Edition instead.
It was about a young guy who was doing some flips and landed on his neck and became paralyzed. A quadriplegic.
It reminded me so much of my friend, Matt Maw, and I really loved watching it.
(that's the best link I could find...right now)
Then, I watched 20/20
It was an interview with Bernie Madoff's daughter in law.
I found it very interesting.
I didn't keep up with the whole story when it all went down, but from this interview found out that her husband (Madoff's son) committed suicide.
I could NOT sleep that night....I think it was just as bad as watching a murder mystery!

I'm not sure if I took this picture Thursday or Friday night, but either way....
I LOVE it!