

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Meeting Milestones

On Sunday Kyri called great Grandma and Grandpa Hanson to thank them for her birthday card. I didn't want her to forget anything, so I was whispering what she should say. They weren't home so this was just on the answering machine, but she said what I told her, "thank you for the birthday card....and money." Then she decided to say her own thing. I did not whisper this in her ear. "And maybe next year on my birthday you can give me MORE!!"
Apparently we need to have some gratitude lessons...and such.

Kyri reading the ads in her jammies...that's my girl!!
Graysen wearing his underwear on TOP of his shorts!
Tanzi enjoying her swing because she hasn't been in it for a couple months, probably!
Sleeping Beauty!
I know this doesn't seem very safe. Babies are supposed to sleep in sleeper blankets and not have loose blankets in their bed.
But she sleeps SO much better with her blanky!
She loves chewing on it when she wakes up, so it helps soothe her back to sleep when she wakes up in the night.
And, clearly, she loves sleeping with it on her face!
Today we took all 3 kids to the doctor for check up appointments!
Before we ever even left Kyri told me, "I don't want any shocks!!" Luckily, she and Gray could get the mist flu vaccine so no "shocks" for either of them today :)

I was looking back through the blog from Kyri's and Graysen's 6 month appointments
It's kind of fun to compare all the kids at the same age.
And, if you ask me, Tanzi sure looks a lot like Kyri at this age!
And it's funny how Kyri was already sitting up on her own and Tanzi is no where near that and how Kyri had a little tuft of hair and Tanzi has none, even though she was born with more hair than Kyri OR Graysen. Our hopes of having a child with hair are being dashed with every hair Tanzi loses :)

But look how cute and BIG she looks!!
Tanzi's stats:
Weight: 13 lbs 1 oz (between 5% and 10%)
Length: 24.7 in (about 25%)
Weight for Length: 5%...YEA she's on the charts in this area for the FIRST time!!
Head: 16.4 in (25%)

Although Tanzi still thinks she doesn't want to sleep real good, there are some things she DOES love to do.
She loves smiling...we get a lot of comments from people about how smiley she is.
She LOVES her mobile! She always smiles and looks up at her "friends" whenever we put her in bed.
She wakes up really happy in the morning and will just play in her crib...with her "friends"
She still loves her binky, but doesn't need it to fall asleep.
She loves rolling from her back to her belly, but on some days still forgets that she knows how to roll back over...other days she rolls all over the place.
She LOVES her big brother and sister...and LOVES when they laugh at makes her laugh
3 cool kids getting ready to go to the doctor
Tanzi in the doctor's office
Just waiting for the doc!
Graysen's stats:
weight: 28 lbs (about 30%)
height: 2.95 ft (about 40%)
Graysen LOVES crying and always getting his way
He also LOVES to do anything Kyri does. Anything. If I ask them both the same question and Graysen first answers with one thing, but Kyri answers with something else Gray will change his answer to match hers. EVERY time!
Graysen loves doing puzzles.
This boy keeps us smiling, but is also a lot of drama.
Kyri's stats:
Weight: 33 lbs (about 15%)
Height: 3.33 ft (about 60%)
Kyri LOVES saying her ABC's
She is getting really good at recognizing what all the letters say.
Kyri LOVES her little sister and can not stay out of Tanzi's face.
She LOVES playing with long as he will do what she tells him.
She is a good "little mom"
Both Kyri and Graysen have always had a heart murmur. Kyri had to go have hers checked by a cardiologist when she was about 16 months. Well, today Dr Sigg said he thinks we better get Graysen's checked out. After this, all 3 of our kids will have had a visit to PCMC!

Tonight Tanzi had her first taste of rice cereal.
This is the latest we've started one of our kids on cereal, but we never really felt she was ready before now. And she ate it UP! She loved it so much more than Kyri or Gray did with their first taste! But, then again, she just loves to have something in her mouth...she doesn't even care what it is! I guess we better watch out once she starts crawling and can eat anything and everything she finds!!


Nichole said...

It really is CRAZY how much the girls look alike. I always think that Tanzi is looking more like her little self but then I see pics of Kyri at that age and NOPE, shes a mini Kyri! And it cracked me up that you said G loves to cry. Funny boy :)

Joel & McKell said...

I love Kyri's comment, sounds like something I would have said when I was little :) Yay for all the kids being on the charts! I knew Tanzi could do it, her expression tasting the rice cereal is priceless, love it! Haha

tawn said...

Oh boy, how I love your kids!!! They are growing up too fast! I can't believe Kyri is 4, and I love her comment to Grandma and Grandpa. Hillarious!!! Graysen is a bit dramatic, but at least he's agreeable! (with Kyri anyway) ;)