

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Cuteness and a Yummy Recipe

I love having all 3 kids in bed by 7:00!! And, believe me, that's not an easy task without Gary. But I know that if I can accomplish that then I can regain my sanity before tomorrow :)

Kyri was SO cute today!!
But let me back up.
Before Gary left we were talking to Kyri about priesthood blessings. Father's blessings in particular. As Gary was explaining them to her she quickly piped up and said, "Daddy, will you bless me before I go to preschool?" It was so sweet of her to ask rather than us asking her if she wanted a blessing. Well, we thought Gary could do it the day before he left, but that ended up being such a CRAZY day and by the end of the day Kyri was fast asleep on our way home from Logan. We wanted her to be awake and alert for the blessing so Gary decided he would wait until he got back. That means Kyri will go to one day of preschool before she will have a Father's blessing. The very next day (Sunday) we were at church and Kyri said (not any too quietly) "DADDY FORGOT TO BLESS ME!!"
I told her he would be able to do it when he got back and she was good with that answer.
So, today, out of nowhere Kyri said, "Oh, man! Daddy can't bless me before I go to school tomorrow!"
SO cute!!
I told her she would only have to go one day and then he can give her a blessing before school next week.
I love that this is something that has been on her mind.
I hope that means we're doing something right.

Tanzi slept a little better last night. She still woke up at 11 pm to eat...after eating 6 oz at 6 pm! But then she only woke up every 3 hours after that. I am hoping for an even better night tonight.
But I won't keep my fingers crossed.
Tanzi did, however, have 4 stinky diapers today. I'm hoping she is figuring out her body a little better.
And even though she slept better last night I could NOT, for the life of me, get a burp out of that girl!! I spend 10 minutes feeding her and twice that long trying to burp her. I have tried every trick I know! I guess maybe it doesn't matter THAT much if she's sleeping better than when I DO burp her, right?
Who knows?

Last week at my parent's Tanzi did some neat tricks.
First, while on her belly, she pushed off with her feet. She wasn't sure, however, what to do with her arms. So, she did nothing. She just put her head on the ground and started pushing. She scooched herself clear across the room! But I think she decided that didn't feel very good because RIGHT after that she started rolling....across the room! She kept this up the few days we were there.
Well, I guess she forgot that she knows a new trick because since we've been home Tanzi only rolls from her back to her belly and then scooches in a circle on her belly and then gets REAL mad because she doesn't want to be on her belly anymore, but she won't roll over!!
What a silly girl!

We made cantaloupe bread today.
Yesterday at WalMart I got 3 cantaloupes for only $.50 each!!
And then I tried my sister-in-law's recipe.

Kyri starts preschool tomorrow and is SO excited about it! It's RIGHT next door. How convenient, right?
Whenever there's a good sale and I have a coupon I buy clothes for my kids for the next season...for WAY cheap. So, tonight I decided I would pull something out of the gift box to give to Kyri for her first day of preschool tomorrow.
Well, I learned 3 things.
1) Everything I have saved up is for winter....heavy sweaters and what not. Not really going to work for tomorrow.
2) I have a HUGE pile of super cute things for Kyri (some of which may be too small because she has grown SO fast and has a very long torso....sigh)
3) I only have about 3 things for Gray. This seems to be the story of his life. As we speak all his church pants are ridiculously too small. I guess I will be going clothes shopping for my little boy soon....let's hope I can still find things for super cheap! But that's just the problem. I can't usually find boy clothes for cheap....or I would already have a HUGE pile of them for Gray too!
We miss Gary and can't wait for next Tuesday to get here!!

We miss Gary.
A lot.
I hate going to bed alone.
We can NOT wait until Tuesday!
Good night love!


The Martinsen Family said...

So excited to read your blog every night. Its quite addicting, once you get over the initial hassle. Its a lot easier to jump into bed, then post a blog, but its worth it, hopefully.
Did you go to church by yourself while Gary was gone? You are a brave woman!!!
What size of clothes does Gray wear, I have some extra church clothes that don't fit him. if you want them. We might just have to make a trip up to see you to deliver them:)

Gary and Mauri said...

Love you too Babe!