

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Until Tomorrow....

Tanzi had another great night. Slept til 4 am!
Let's hope this is a new trend and not one of the many tricks she has up her sleeve :)

This morning I watched all 4 of Ms. Kate's kids while Kyri was at school.
It was pretty fun.
We played Sorry, which none of those kids had played before. But I think they quite enjoyed it :)

This afternoon McKell came to visit.
She held Tanzi and I made an attempt at being creative. I'm making some noisemakers for party favors for Kyri's birthday party. I will have to take a picture when they're all done. I'm so NOT crafty. But McKell is....and she didn't even laugh at them :)
Tanzi was actually kind of fussy this afternoon. I think she was just tired and now likes to sleep in her own bed, but hopefully McKell enjoyed visiting anyway. We just talked. A lot. It was nice to have some adult conversation. And I'm REALLY sad because I didn't even take a picture while she was here!! What was I thinking? I guess she'll just have to come back again soon! :)

Gary made dinner tonight.
I LOVE that Gary loves to cook!
We have next to no food around here. I'm glad he came up with something delicious.
Maybe I'll go grocery shopping soon.

I have a terrible headache and I'm hoping to go to bed early....let's just hope I can STAY asleep!!