

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

MORE of What We've Been Up To

Once it started warming up we started going for walks. Most days it consists of me pushing the kids in the triple stroller, and, hence, getting my workout in at the same time.
But every once in a while we change things up a bit.
Like something like this:

Although, the last couple days the kids have wanted to ride their bikes/scooters, so I put Tanzi in the single stroller and Gray has been on Kyri's "little bike" (aka tricycle) He realized that he can reach the pedals, but when he pedals for some strange reason he can't steer!! We need to work on the coordination, apparently. And after about 1/2 a block he's done. So, I put the front wheel in the back of the stroller, he sits on it at an angle , and gets a free ride!! No, not safe. He fell off, but was too lazy to walk the block home and got back on!! :)

What happens at your house when your kids wake up at 6am?
Here, at this house, our kids say they are going to go "play".
I then find this mess

This would be the ENTIRE contents of Kyri's and Graysen's dresser drawers!
Why? You ask?
Well, I happened to ask the same question.
They were going on Noah's Ark.
And, apparently, there is a good chance you'll be sailing naked if you don't bring every last one of your belongings!!

Tanzi got a little worried that her head might get sunburned while catching some rays on the top deck of the Ark, so she found the perfect hat. (yep, it would be Kyri's panties!)

And this is what happens when a baby gets into the garbage after leftover birthday frosting has been thrown away.


Our very first food garden!
We are pretty excited about it! In this picture the only thing we have planted is strawberries, but the rest of the garden is now full of yumminess!!
(guess we better get a picture of the finished product)
And since Gary is SO amazing he even set up a drip system, which is connected to our already existing sprinkler system! Like I said, AMAZING :)

We got this little zebra for $3 at the DI

And we soon realized we would definitely get our money's worth

Ride 'em, cowgirl!!


Tanzi LOVES putting these necklaces on, but sometimes she seems to get a bit tangled.

We have been super busy and having lots of fun!
Gary's going to be gone for 3 weeks and so I decided I better get caught up on the blog before he leaves, so I can stay caught up while he's gone :)