

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Friday and Saturday

Well, Graysen finally stopped throwing up around midnight. He was still in my room, on his bed I made for him on the floor. He suddenly became VERY chatty! And then he got scared. He wanted a nightlight by his bed, even though their room is pitch black at night. He also wanted me to close the door to the bedroom, but I told him I had to leave it open so I could hear Tanzi if she cried. He asked if I locked all the doors downstairs. I finally asked if we could say a prayer so he wouldn't be scared and we could go to sleep. After I said the prayer Graysen was asking me all kinds of questions about Heavenly Father and Jesus. It was actually a very touching teaching moment! We talked about how They will watch over us, protest us, help us feel better, and help us sleep. We also talked about how we will be able to see Them, after we die, in Heaven. In the morning one of the first things Gray said to Kyri was, "Mama said we can see Jesus at His house!!"  :)  
But Gray tossed and turned ALL night. He kept rubbing his fingers on the wall. I had a sippy cup with water in it for him and he would wake up in the night, drink ALL that was in it, come over to my bed and ask for more water. If I told him no he would throw a HUGE fit!! This happened a few times in the night. I think we both got only about 3 hours of sleep! 
Tanzi woke up crying around 6am. When I went into her room to get her her room WREAKED of puke :( She had thrown up sometime in the night. It was ALL over her bed and crusted into her hair! SO gross! And SO sad!! :( I immediately put her in the bath. 
Kyri actually slept in until 7! And Graysen had gone back to sleep at some point and slept in until sometime after 7.
Tanzi threw up several times through out the day.
She kept signing "milk" and I wouldn't give it to her, but she wouldn't eat or drink anything...she just kept crying. So, I would give in and give her milk, she would drink it, throw up shortly after, and I would put her back to bed. The hard thing with Tanzi is that I never knew when she was about to throw we had a LOT of clean-ups!!
It was a sad day!
But not completely!
I was tired of doing laundry and cleaning carpet, so I made Banana Bread
(and this is not a "healthy" recipe, but I turned it into one!)

Our garden.
This picture is mostly for Gary to see how much it's grown in the past week.

Look at all those tomatoes!!

Well, no one threw up this morning. That's a plus! It was actually a pretty good day.
We went to the church to get some things in order for the new nursery that will be starting tomorrow. That makes 3 nurseries!! And I can't complain because Tanzi is one reason we needed a new nursery, along with the 1st counselor's baby AND the Primary President's baby. :) We are excited, though, because we have some FANTASTIC leaders in there! (Shay Salmond and Stefani Garcia - YEA!!!)
The kids all had fun playing with the toys while I put things together.
Then we went to Kent's. I had to get a couple things for a salad to take to Tammy's tomorrow. Then I spent a bunch of money stocking up on cereal!! No more treats, though, so that was good. 
It rained in the afternoon, so we stayed inside and tried to stay warm.

Her very first ponytail!
(thanks for the encouragement, Nichole)

I think it makes her look older :(

One of Tanzi's favorite new things is to go into our bathroom and get mine and Gary's toothbrushes out. She ALWAYS gets both. We try to keep the bathroom door closed, but if it ever gets left open she is sure to know!! Today she brought the toothbrushes all the way downstairs by herself!

Glad that's Gary's toothbrush in her mouth and not mine :)
But the real question is, if that's Gary's toothbrush how is he brushing his teeth in Virginia?!
He probably isn't :)

We have an entire cupboard dedicated to plastic bags.....but today I realized we have WAY too many!


Dustin and Cassidy said...

Mauri, we feel so bad for you! I can't imagine cleaning up all that puke and then getting sick yourself. We missed you guys at dinner tonight. I hope you are all feeling better so you can come over on Wednesday!